In the third edition of the Global Footwear Executive Summit, top players from footwear brands, retailers, suppliers and associations will once again gather together to discuss and explore the latest trends of the industry and examine the corresponding strategies.

材料 / 可持續性 / 競爭力
全球鞋業高峰論壇(GFES) 是一年一度,在亞太區皮革展 (APLF) 舉辦的的重要聚會,雲集全球鞋業主管、產業領袖和專業人士,務求透過交流、共享和協作,找出鞋類產業的主要挑戰,共謀機會。
時間:14:00 – 15:15

在UITIC 主持的環節,匯集了鞋類集團高管、永續發展專家和技術人員,為觀眾提供有關推動鞋類品牌競爭力的關鍵因素的寶貴見解。
- 如何利用永續性來提高品牌知名度和吸引力。
- 深入了解人工智慧如何改變鞋類產業的產品設計和效率。
會議開幕主題演講 – 全球情勢與挑戰,由國際鞋類技師協會 (UITIC) 主席 Sergio Dulio 發表
小組討論 – 如何利用永續發展來拓展鞋類市場,由香港鞋業商會顧問王偉主持
- 國際鞋業技師協會(UITIC)主席Sergio Dulio
- 法國Sustainable Leather Forum籌委會主席Yves Morin
時間:15:15 – 16:30

在 SATRA 主持的環節,鞋類品牌和認證機構將探討鞋類產業合規性的多面性。合規性只是一個不受歡迎的必需品,還是可以轉化為成長和創新的寶貴機會?
- 合規性如何影響生產、設計和市場進入
- 如何運用合規性作為競爭優勢
- 了解遵守合規性不僅可以降低風險,而在消費者層面,還能在永續性上引發他們的共鳴。
- 列舉企業在滿足合規性要求方面所面臨的挑戰及解決方法。
- 公司如何為即將出台的法規做好準備?
主持人:Dr Christine Anscombe , SATRA技術中心
- Mat Abbott, Commercial Manager/technical editor, 世界鞋業雜誌(World Footwear Magazine) & Footwearbiz.com
- Deborah Taylor, Manging Director, SLF可持續皮革基金會
- Keith Kowk, Operations Director, STC 香港標準及檢定中心
全球鞋業高峰論壇 議程
下午 2:00 – 6:00
研討會區, 1C展廳, 香港會議展覽中心

Opening Address – Footwear Industry Updates by World Footwear Magazine
Session 1:
Footwear Production 1400 – 1500

Manufacturing and Supply Chain
In the current scenario where the demand for footwear is significantly lower than the available supply, finding a balance for the supply chain has become a crucial challenge. This session identifies the challenge by analysing the industry changes in the past 5 years and most importantly, to explore potential solutions for the near future.

Session 2:
Footwear Material 1520 – 1620

The evolution of footwear materials
Delve into the realm of material’s carbon neutrality, the sustainability comparison between leather and man-made materials, the concept of circularity and particularly the recyclability and manufacturer’s responsibility throughout a product’s lifecycle.

Session 3:
Footwear Retail and Branding 1640 – 1740

Omnichannel Brilliance: Branding in Modern Retail
Shift your perspective, instead of seeking customers for your products, discover products that truly cater to your customers’ needs. Get inspired by visionary speakers who will share their insights on the latest market trends, content creation and branding strategies in the future footwear market.

Networking Session – APLF Cocktail Party
Who Should Attend:
Footwear brands
Material Suppliers
Session 1
10:30 – 11:30
Supporting Partners: