15 October 2024

Raw Materials - Pakistan, tanners against opening to live animal exports

Live animal exports? Pakistan Tanners Association (PTA) says no. According to local media reports, the Pakistani government is considering allowing live animals to be sold abroad. The newly elected PTA president, Hamid Arshad Zahur, explains why the tanning industry is opposed to the proposal. By La Conceria.

The reasons

Seriously damaging to Pakistan’s leather sector. This concludes PTA’s analysis of the possibility of the government liberalizing livestock exports. According to Zahur, the local tanning industry is already dealing with a shortage of raw materials: tanneries must import about 35-40% of their total needs. A percentage that is set to increase if the government were to introduce innovations such as the latest proposal. Among the consequences, PTA complains, there would be an increase in expenses for the country’s tanneries, which would have to shoulder higher electricity and gas prices than their competitors in neighboring countries. New burdens, such as those related to raw materials, could cause many of the country’s tanneries to close.

A problem for the country

PTA also lists other negative factors that the decision would cause for Pakistani society. The website tradechronicle.com, among the fears raised, also cites the increase in inflation of food products, especially meat and milk, and unemployment in various areas of the country. Zahur therefore appealed to the Prime Minister of Pakistan to immediately shelve the idea that live animals can be exported if he wants to save the tanning industry and continue to benefit from the contribution of exports from the leather industry.

關於亞太區皮革展 ​



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