31 July 2024

Innovations - Plastic-free leather alternative

Arshad Khan, Co-founder & CEO @findmyleather.com, writes on LinkedIn: Here’s everything you need to know about Uncaged Innovations’ bio-leather, the materials used, the production process & their plans to utilize funding.

UNCAGED Innovations is a New York based biomaterials start-up leveraging biotechnology & nature to recreate bovine & exotic leather backed by VC firms & Jaguar Land Rover.

▪ Use of Funds

This investment is set to fuel the commercial launch of their grain-based leather alternative & expand their team particularly within manufacturing.

▪ How is their bio-leather made?

✔ Their patent pending BioFuze technology creates its materials by fusing structural proteins from grains (crops) with other bio-based elements to create fibral networks, replacing the animal collagen required for traditional leather.

✔ BioFuze uses roll-to-roll manufacturing techniques to create a biomaterial that mimics the texture and performance of traditional leather.

▪ Materials Used

From grain byproducts, natural rubber, latex, plant oil, Zein (protein found in maize), natural pigments to algae extract & chitosan.

▪ Material Thickness

From 0.6 mm to 3 mm

▪ Bio-Leather Claims

With a significantly reduced environmental impact
✔ 95% less greenhouse gases
✔ 93% less water usage
✔ 72% less energy consumption
✔ Completely plastic-free & biodegradable

▪ Some of the benefits
✔ Scalable – Takes only hours to make unlike the years it takes for traditional leather
✔ Sustainable – We eliminate the need to raise livestock
✔ Consistent Quality – No flaws, or marks minizing materials wasted.
✔ Tanning-free – No traditional tanning processes are needed. Meaning no toxic chemical pollutants.

But Hold On…

While their grain-based leather alternative has garnered attention, here’s a look at why it might not be the industry disrupter

▪ Some of the Challenges, which I can think of:
❓Performance: It may not yet match the durability, feel & breathability of animal leather, especially in high-wear applications
❓Scalability & Cost: Scaling up production is complex & expensive for such materials, delaying cost parity with traditional leather.
❓Consumer Preferences


Uncaged Innovations’ technology is indeed a promising innovation & I appreciate their efforts because as an entrepreneur I know how hard it is to build something from scratch.

However, a complete industry shift might not be POSSIBLE.

More likely, we will see a co-existence of traditional & grain-based leather, with each catering to specific market segments and consumer preferences.

Ultimately, both leather & leather alternatives, such as vegan or bio-based leathers, are created for the end consumer.

Leather, with its unique natural properties, has endured for centuries and continues to offer benefits that are hard to replicate.

關於亞太區皮革展 ​



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