5 February 2025

Words can make “real” into #fake# in a few letters

"Ultra" Does Not Mean A Better Leather!

Is it leather? Writes on LinkedIn: So, what do words mean, actually? In our world, we are using a lot more words as adjectives rather than nouns – descriptors rather than facts.

Take, for instance, Tapis Corporation’s term “Ultraleather.” Here, they have created and trademarked a new word that combines an adjective and a noun—essentially making reality whatever they want it to be!

“Ultra” according to the dictionary, means “to surpass or exceed.” So Ultra Leather would simply be leather that exceeds normality. A leather of greatness or leather beyond its traditional self.

But none of this is true in this case – and so Tapis just invented its own word. Ultraleather by Tapis is a fake, plastic material meant to look like real leather but delivers its buyers a more cost-efficient and lightweight alternative. Its characteristics pale in comparison to the real thing – as all “fake” products do. But it’s the company’s word choice and marketing scheme that truly needs to be called out.

We need to put a stake in the ground on what is meant when using the word “leather.” We need to call for the end of intentional deception by companies like Tapis, who invoke the word “leather” to capture its allure but then add a descriptor that takes it from real to fake in a matter of a few letters.

It’s false advertising, and it should be illegal. But until we as an industry stand up and make noise, these descriptors and greenwashed terms will continue to erode the value of real leather both in the marketplace and in consumers’ minds.

I’ve sent an email to Tapis ([email protected]) asking them to stop using the term “Leather” on fake materials. One voice is a start – I’d encourage you to send one, too!

關於亞太區皮革展 ​



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