25 September 2024

Simon Neifer of Pulcra Chemicals Group on Vegan Leather

The Truth Behind “Vegan Leather” – Are We Being Duped?

We all love the idea of making choices that are kinder to the planet. But what if the “green” options we’re being sold are just clever marketing tricks?

Take a good look at this image – a designer gleefully promoting plastic as the new leather. It’s flashy, it’s trendy, but it’s also misleading. What many people don’t realize is that “vegan leather” is often just a fancy term for plastic – a material derived from fossil fuels that contributes to pollution and environmental degradation.

Why Choose Plastic Disguised as Leather?


Not so much. Plastic materials crack, peel, and wear out faster than real leather.


Hardly. Plastic takes centuries to break down, leaving a lasting impact on our environment.


Fake doesn’t feel the same. The quality and feel of real leather are unmatched, with a timeless appeal that plastic can’t replicate.

Let’s Get Real About Sustainability

Real leather, when sourced responsibly, offers unmatched durability, longevity, and a lower environmental footprint over its lifecycle. It’s time to challenge the narratives that promote inferior materials under the guise of “vegan” or “eco-friendly” labels.

As consumers, we have the power to make informed decisions. Don’t be swayed by flashy marketing – look deeper and choose authenticity over illusion.

關於亞太區皮革展 ​



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