23 September 2024

COTANCE - Does Leather need a Traceability Standard?

COTANCE’s Leather Traceability Cluster initiative has borne fruit: our call in 2022 for a unified Traceability Standard is becoming a reality. CEN TC 289 WG 4 will be soon examining & standardising essential requirements and verification methods to trace leather back to its origin.

This milestone, achieved through collaborative efforts will avoid redundant inspections and costs for the leather value chain.

A common agreement on the essential traceability requirements will be reviewed and endorsed by the wider Leather Traceability Cluster during the last quarter of 2024, after which it will be submitted for the fast-track CEN standardisation process.

More in the Press Release: https://lnkd.in/eBig-FU8.

關於亞太區皮革展 ​



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