11 September 2024

Cutting carbon - How garment manufacturers are measuring emissions

By Mostafiz Uddin on LinkedIn

As we are regularly told, the garment industry is one of the most significant contributors to environmental pollution, notably in terms of carbon emissions. With growing global awareness about climate change and environmental sustainability, garment manufacturers are under mounting pressure to measure and reduce their carbon footprint.

Measuring the carbon footprint of garment production involves quantifying the total greenhouse gases (GHGs) emitted directly and indirectly throughout the lifecycle of garments. This process is essential for developing strategies to mitigate environmental impact and promote sustainability.

But what are the technologies garment manufacturers are using to measure their carbon footprint and why is these an increasingly important practice?

In short, you cannot manage what you cannot measure. Solid, reliable data on carbon emissions is critical if the world is to achieve climate reduction goals. To this end, the role of garment manufacturers in measuring and quantifying their own footprint it is critical.

There are a number of methods and techniques to do this

To read the rest of this story on Cutting Carbon, click on Emissions.

關於亞太區皮革展 ​



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