5 September 2024

Events - MD of SLF to speak at SATRA’s Sustainable Pathway event on 12 November


We’re pleased to be able to share that Deborah Taylor, PQCI, ASLTC, managing director at the Sustainable Leather Foundation, will be one of the speakers at SATRA’s Treading a Sustainable Pathway event on the 12 November.

The Foundation works across the whole value chain from farm to finished product and promotes the A.I.M. Approach to sustainable improvement – Accessible, Inclusive and Modular. Having created the innovative SLF Transparency Dashboard™, the first of its kind in the leather industry, Deborah is passionate about providing the right environment for transparent and verifiable information that gives confidence to consumers while protecting the commercial integrity of the individual organisations along the value chain.


Deborah will be presenting “Traceability and Transparency: A game-changer for the leather value chain”.

No longer a nice to have, traceability and transparency are now key requirements of any responsible business. For the leather industry this is more important than ever due to the increased scrutiny that is faced across the emotive upstream processes of our industry, in addition to the production and consumption processes.

This presentation will focus on the driving forces that have led to regulation around traceable supply chains; and how industry can meet the new legislative landscape we operate in.

For further details on the event, please visit the SATRA website https://lnkd.in/ecK3ackg or contact us at [email protected].


Tickets can be purchased through Eventbrite using this link https://lnkd.in/eGkGJdvy.

關於亞太區皮革展 ​



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