21 August 2024

LWG Gold for PrimeAsia China

PrimeAsia is proud to announce that PrimeAsia China has once again attained LWG Gold certification. With the LWG Gold Rating also again at PrimeAsia Vietnam earlier this year, we continue to have all around LWG Gold Ratings across both our facilities for the ensuing two years of the LWG audit cycle. These achievements highlight our leadership in sustainable leather production and our team’s tireless dedication.

For decades, PrimeAsia has integrated sustainability throughout our operations, and was a founding member of the LWG nearly 20 years ago. Today, our Sustaining Excellence, Preserving Tomorrow strategy drives us to continually improve our environmental performance and operational excellence. We’re proud of this accomplishment and remain committed to leading the leather industry towards a more sustainable future.

關於亞太區皮革展 ​



我們主辦多個專注時尚及生活潮流的商貿展覽會, 為這不斷變化的行業,提供最全面的買家及參展商服務,方便他們了解急速轉變的行業環境,並預測來季趨勢。

