22 July 2024

Italian companies keep Korean market in focus

A total of 55 Italian footwear, leathergoods and garment brands travelled to Korea in early July to take part in the Italian Fashion Days event in Seoul. By Leatherbiz.


Brands displayed collections for spring-summer 2025 at the event, which also included a series of talks on design, design education, talent scouting and creativity in Italy and in South Korea.


President of Italian footwear industry association Assocalzaturifici, Giovanna Ceolini, said the organisation supported events like Italian Fashion Days because they take place in strategically important countries for member companies.


She said South Korea was the twelfth biggest export market for high-end Italian footwear exports. Italian companies exported more than 360,000 pairs of shoes and boots to South Korea in the first quarter of 2024, bringing in revenues of €68.6 million.

關於亞太區皮革展 ​



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