12 July 2024

Leather Naturally on Labels

Different materials have different benefits but labels can often be confusing. Our straightforward Labelling Guide sets out some common descriptions and explains how to interpret them. It’s our mission at Leather Naturally to promote the use of sustainable leather for the long-term good of the planet! Here’s 3 snack-able take-aways:


  • Leather has unique benefits when it comes to durability, resistance and touch – that no artificial alternatives offer.
  • ‘Vegan leather’ is a misleading term. It is usually either artificial or synthetic, or one of a new variety of alternative materials, which also rely on plastics to give them stability and strength.
  • Synthetic or artificial materials made to look like leather are usually oil-based from fossil-fuel resources. They are usually composed of a substance made with polyester or nylon, coated with PVC or PU.



關於亞太區皮革展 ​



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