17 June 2024

Leatherdays conference concludes in Salzburg

The 2024 FILK Leatherdays conference concluded on June 13. By Leatherbiz.

A total of 25 presentations were delivered at the in-person event. Nearly 200 delegates participated in the conference, which took place in Salzburg, Austria at the request of the Austrian leather association VOLT and was organised by the German leather chemicals association VGCT and the FILK Freiberg institute.

The presentations covered a wide range of topics, with a focus on sustainability, life cycle assessment (LCA), and data. The conference also featured the presentation of two awards: the VGCT promotional award recognising young scientists was given to Elias Sattler from Zschimmer and Schwarz, and the VGCT annual award for outstanding contribution to the industry was presented to Dr Martin Kleban from TFL.

The 2025 Leatherdays event is scheduled to take place in Freiberg on May 21 and 22, with the venue to be announced.

關於亞太區皮革展 ​



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