10 January 2024

Record deliveries for Rolls-Royce Motor Cars in 2023

Rolls-Royce Motor Cars has reported its results for 2023, when the company delivered a record 6,032 cars to customers in 50 countries, reports ILM.


The year was also a milestone in the brand’s electrification strategy, as it ended production of the Wraith and Dawn models and began deliveries of the fully electric Spectre in the fourth quarter of the year. Rolls-Royce plans to only produce fully electric cars by the end of 2030.


Record sales growth was also achieved in the Middle East, Asia-Pacific and Europe regions, while the U.S was the company’s largest market, followed by Greater China. Rolls-Royce noted that record annual sales and year-on-year growth in the Asia-Pacific were driven by performance in South Korea.


2022’s best-selling model, Cullinan, was the most popular Rolls-Royce car again in 2023, followed by the Ghost. Bespoke projects were another highlight, with record numbers and value in 2023, and included mother-of-pearl inlays for The Pearl Cullinan and hand-perforated leather seats for the Black Badge Cullinan Blue Shadow.


Among its achievements in 2023, the company also commissioned an independent study into its economic impact, finding that it contributed £4 billion (US$5.08 billion) to the UK economy since 2003 and now more than £500 million (US$635.4 million) annually.


CEO Chris Brownridge said: “2023 was another extraordinary year for Rolls-Royce, with strong sales performances in all regions and across the full product portfolio. It’s especially encouraging to see the enormous interest in and demand for Spectre, supporting the decision to adopt a bold, ‘all-electric’ strategy for future model development and production.


“The record level of Bespoke commissions, both by volume and value, also underlines our position within the luxury sector, offering our clients opportunities for self-expression and personalisation they cannot find anywhere else.”

關於亞太區皮革展 ​



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