24 November 2023

Brazil News - Sustainable Calf Production Program: support and participation of CICB

The Sustainable Calf Production Program in the state of Pará (Brazil) was recently launched, in an official ceremony at the Rural Union of the city of Castanhal. With joint investment from the IDH organization and the Federation of Agriculture and Livestock of Pará (FAEPA), the program promotes technical assistance, land and environmental regularization and traceability in calf production. The initiative has voluntary participation and will now serve 160 livestock farmers, with a forecast of reaching 600 properties in the second half of 2024. Ricardo Andrade, CICB’s technical and sustainability advisor, participated in the ceremony and signed a document supporting the initiative.

Seminar Diálogos Boi na Linha: presentation of leather demands in the event

A full day of debates on monitoring, best practices and sustainability in the meat chain was promoted in Marabá (state of Pará, Brazil), with the Seminar Diálogos Boi na Linha, promoted by Imaflora (an organization focused on environmental conservation). Ricardo Andrade, from CICB, was one of the panelists at the event, in a debate that included representatives from: Abiec (meat exporters), Federal Public Ministry of Pará, Imaflora, Febraban (banks) and Proforest (organization for sustainable initiatives). Andrade shared the leather industry numbers and the sector’s main demands involving the livestock chain, such as monitoring and traceability.

Private initiative promotes deforestation-free cattle farming in the Legal Amazon

A partnership between private sector companies aims to promote sustainable development in the livestock industry in the Legal Amazon. Headed by Durlicouros (Durli Leathers), Rio Maria Meatpacker, Niceplanet Compliance Consulting, SBCert, and the Green Level Environment Strategy consultancy, using the Individual Traceability and Indirect Monitoring Program (PRIMI), which certifies the meat and leather supply chain as deforestation-free, the actions received a significant boost with the presentation and launch of COTI (Certified Origin Traceability Implementation Initiative, in English) recently in Marabá (state of Pará, Brazil), during the Snar Diálogos Boi na Linha, organized by the Imaflora.

The initiative aims to give breadth and scale to the pilot project started in July 2023 through external funding. This project already has the voluntary participation of 40 farms and over 113,000 individually tracked animals, managed on a blockchain system. The organizers expect hat if they can secure additional resources for technical assistance, the number of tracked animals will reach the milestone of 200,000 in the first half of 2024.

Following the launch of COTI, there were technical visits to rural properties, a slaughterhouse, and a tannery, with the participation of Ricardo Andrade (CICB), NGOs and global brands from the fashion and automotive sectors. These visits demonstrated the application of PRIMI in the field, in the cities of Rio Maria and Xinguara, also in the state of Pará.

In Brasília, CICB met with the director of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Brazilian leather trade relations with the European Union (EU), international regulations and the defense of the sector were the topics shared by the executive president of the CICB, José Fernando Bello, in Brasília, in a meeting with the Director of the Department of Trade Policy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MRE), Ambassador Fernando Meirelles de Azevedo Pimentel. Bello talked about the extensive work that has been done by Brazilian leather in the EU and the current sustainability practices with which the industry works.

關於亞太區皮革展 ​



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