20 November 2023

Footwear - Paraguay doubled the volume of exports to Brazil



Footwear manufacturers produce in Paraguay under the maquila system. Report by CueroAmérica.


Exports to Brazil of footwear manufactured in Paraguay are essentially made up of products manufactured by Brazilian companies installed in Paraguayan territory, under the maquila system. Companies that adopt this regime have facilities to import components to assemble them and export the finished product.

The sales data for Paraguay comes from the balance sheet of the Brazilian Association of Footwear Industries (Abicalçados). With these figures, Paraguay remains the main supplier of shoes to Brazil in the American region.

In the first nine months of the year, those exports from Paraguay to Brazil totaled 1,474,917 pairs. This volume represents a growth of 52.7% compared to the same period of the previous year. In terms of value, the increase was similar. Exports from Brazilian companies that produce in Paraguay were US$1.4 million, which represents 50.7% compared to US$930,028 last year.

In this way, Paraguay becomes the largest supplier of footwear to Brazil in Latin America, followed by Chile, which is in 19th place.

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