3 October 2023

Leather Naturally - Online Leather Exhibition

The longevity and circularity of leather is a central theme of the exhibition It’s a Long Story. Suzie Fletcher, presenter of BBC’s Repair Shop and master saddler, shares why she supports the exhibition.

But that’s not all; joining Suzie, we have Deni from Paris, a prominent leather fashion influencer, passionately advocating for our international online exhibition. She shares her personal journey and explains why leather was life-changing for her.

You can read and watch it all on our online leather exhibition by clicking on the link:

關於亞太區皮革展 ​



我們主辦多個專注時尚及生活潮流的商貿展覽會, 為這不斷變化的行業,提供最全面的買家及參展商服務,方便他們了解急速轉變的行業環境,並預測來季趨勢。

