22 March 2022

Michael Søndergaard, CEO of Scan-Hide, and Birgitte Holgaard Langer, Business Development Director at SPOOR, will speak at an upcoming conference before APLF Dubai on the topic of transparency in the leather supply chain from the farm to finished leather product.



The presentation will focus on accelerating transparency in the leather industry by collaborating with all stakeholders in the value chain and how, jointly, we can co-create products that last for decades and a more sustainable tomorrow.

The speakers will ask how we can co-create transparency through technology, processes and data, how we can move brands from believing to knowing, what consumers expect from brands tomorrow and how we can unite old craftsmanship with data and new technology.

About the speakers……to read the rest of this article, click on ILM – Dubai _Transparancy

關於亞太區皮革展 ​



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