9 February 2022

Industry trade body Leather UK has commissioned a survey of 2,000 adults in the UK to understand consumer knowledge around leather and its origins as a by-product of the food industry, reports ILM.



According to the results of the study, one in five adults in the UK would wear clothing more than 20 years old.

Leather Naturally board member and Pittards Director of Marketing Debbie Burton will be discussing the results of the report in a presentation at the upcoming Future trends in a post-Covid leather industry hybrid conference, co-organised by ILM and APLF at the trade show in Dubai on March 29.

Leather UK said of the survey: “Our newly launched research report carries the results of what we discovered when we surveyed 2,000 UK adults. We wanted to understand consumer knowledge around leather and its origins as a by-product of the food industry. The lack of knowledge we unearthed surprised us.

“In a similar vein, as shoppers are increasingly presented with a growing range of leather alternatives, everything from “mushroom leather” to Pinatex, Desserto or the meaningless catch-all term “vegan leather”, we wanted to find out if they really knew what they were buying. We discovered that many didn’t.”

The full report is available now on the Leather UK website.

關於亞太區皮革展 ​



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