11 January 2022

Objective: to stimulate ” investment projects capable of increasing competitiveness through the introduction of digital production processes and product innovations “. With a note dated 8 January, the Ministry of Economic Development has formalized the disbursement of “30 million euros in non-repayable grants for companies in the tanning industry”. Report by La Conceria.



30 million euros from the MISE

As the MISE writes, “the measure is intended for companies belonging to a tanning district on the national territory”. The condition for access to grants is that they present, “individually or in an integrated supply chain mode, investment projects capable of increasing competitiveness”. As? “Through the introduction of digital production processes and product innovations”. Specifically, “expenses not less than 50,000 euros and not more than 200,000 euros are eligible for the concessions “. With a footnote, however: “The threshold rises up to 500,000 euros for integrated district projects that have certain characteristics”.


Find functional solutions

The decree, promoted by some Tuscan parliamentarians, was signed by the owner of the MISE, Giancarlo Giorgetti (on the right in the photo Imagoeconomica), and by the Minister of Economy and Finance, Daniele Franco. Now awaits the registration of the Court of Auditors and the subsequent ministerial provision that will define the “terms and methods” of the request. “The Italian tanning industry – comments Giorgetti -, with its companies distributed in the various production districts, is an important sector for the production of Made in Italy, from footwear to furniture, but also in the automotive sector. MISE supports the sector with grants to support the restart of this supply chain which, after the suffering of the Covid emergency, saw the first signs of recovery in 2021 “. A sector that, concludes the minister, “now also has to face the phenomenon of the increase in the prices of raw materials”. Phenomenon “on which the Government is committed to finding solutions that are functional to reduce its impact”.

關於亞太區皮革展 ​



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