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全球鞋业高峰论坛 2025

下午 02:00 – 06:00
研讨会区, 1C厅, HKCEC

In the third edition of the Global Footwear Executive Summit, top players from footwear brands, retailers, suppliers and associations will once again gather together to discuss and explore the latest trends of the industry and examine the corresponding strategies.

材料 / 可持续性 / 竞争力


全球鞋业高峰论坛(GFES) 是一年一度,在亚太区皮革展(APLF) 举办的的重要聚会,云集全球鞋业主管、产业领袖和专业人士,务求透过交流、共享和协作,找出鞋类产业的主要挑战,共谋机会。




时间:14:00 – 15:00

会议开幕主题演讲 – 全球情势与挑战,由国际鞋类技师协会 (UITIC) 主席 Sergio Dulio 发表


小组讨论 – 如何利用永续发展来拓展鞋类市场,由香港鞋业商会顾问王伟主持



  1. 国际鞋业技师协会(UITIC)主席Sergio Dulio
  2. 法国Sustainable Leather Forum筹委会主席Yes Morin


时间:15:15 – 16:15


Dr Christine Anscombe , SATRA技術中心

Mat Abbott, 世界鞋業雜誌(World Footwear Magazine) & Footwearbiz.com

Deborah Taylor, SLF可持續皮革基金會

Keith Kowk, STC 香港標準及檢定中心

Materials+ Tech Talk 技術分享會

时间:16:30 – 17:00

全球鞋业高峰论坛 议程




下午 2:00 – 6:00


研讨会区, 1C展厅, 香港会议展览中心

Opening AddressFootwear Industry Updates by World Footwear Magazine  

Session 1:

Footwear Production 1400 – 1500

Manufacturing and Supply Chain

In the current scenario where the demand for footwear is significantly lower than the available supply, finding a balance for the supply chain has become a crucial challenge. This session identifies the challenge by analysing the industry changes in the past 5 years and most importantly, to explore potential solutions for the near future.

Session 2:

Footwear Material 1520 – 1620

The evolution of footwear materials

Delve into the realm of material’s carbon neutrality, the sustainability comparison between leather and man-made materials, the concept of circularity and particularly the recyclability and manufacturer’s responsibility throughout a product’s lifecycle.

Session 3:

Footwear Retail and Branding 1640 – 1740

Omnichannel Brilliance: Branding in Modern Retail

Shift your perspective, instead of seeking customers for your products, discover products that truly cater to your customers’ needs. Get inspired by visionary speakers who will share their insights on the latest market trends, content creation and branding strategies in the future footwear market.

Networking Session – APLF Cocktail Party 

Who Should Attend:

Footwear brands



Material Suppliers

Session 1
10:30 – 11:30

Think Innovation:  How to Shape a Swift, Flexible & Future-Proof Retail Brand    To be a successful company in today’s hyper-competitive, customer-driven world, innovation must be everybody’s business. How to connect the dots, come up with the ideas and find the opportunities in any market, for any business and under any condition…   GUEST SPEAKERS Ms. Deepali Khanna – Inochhi Mr. Rajesh Kadam – Inc5 Mr.  Abdallah Hamdan– Aldo Mr. Nakul Manchanda – Lamos Ms. Pooja Chopra – Felix Ms. Catherine Hindermann


Supporting Partners:

关于亚太区皮革展 ​



我们主办多个专注时尚及生活潮流的商贸展览会, 为这不断变化的行业,提供最全面的买家及参展商服务,方便他们了解急速转变的行业环境,并预测来季趋势。

