In the third edition of the Global Footwear Executive Summit, top players from footwear brands, retailers, suppliers and associations will once again gather together to discuss and explore the latest trends of the industry and examine the corresponding strategies.

材料 / 可持续性 / 竞争力
全球鞋业高峰论坛(GFES) 是一年一度,在亚太区皮革展(APLF) 举办的的重要聚会,云集全球鞋业主管、产业领袖和专业人士,务求透过交流、共享和协作,找出鞋类产业的主要挑战,共谋机会。
时间:14:00 – 15:15

在UITIC 主持的环节,汇集了鞋类集团高管、可持续发展专家和技术人员,为观众提供有关推动鞋类品牌竞争力的关键因素的宝贵见解。
主要主题包括 :
- 如何利用可持续性来提高品牌知名度和吸引力。
- 深入了解人工智能如何改变鞋类行业的产品设计和效率。
会议开幕主题演讲:全球情势与挑战,由国际鞋类技师协会 (UITIC) 主席 Sergio Dulio 发表
小组讨论 :如何利用永续发展来拓展鞋类市场
主持人: 香港鞋业商会顾问王伟
- Sergio Dulio, 主席, 国际鞋业技师协会(UITIC)
- Yves Morin, 筹委会主席, 法国Sustainable Leather Forum
- 路华,中国皮革协会副秘书长
- Alex Thomas, Caleres, Inc.
时间: 15:15– 16:30

在 SATRA 主持的环节,鞋类品牌和认证机构将探讨鞋类行业合规性的多面性。合规性仅仅是一个不受欢迎的必需品,还是可以转化为增长和
- 合规性如何影响生产、设计和市场进入
- 如何利用合规性作为竞争优势
- 了解遵守合规性不仅可以降低风险,而在消费者层面,还能在可持续性上引发他们的共鸣。
- 列举企业在满足合规性要求方面面临的挑战及解决方法。
- 公司如何为即将出台的法规做好准备?
主持人:Christine Anscombe, 助理总监 SATRA技术中心
- Matthew Abbott, 技术编辑/商务经理,世界鞋業雜誌/Footwearbiz
- Deborah Taylor, 董事总经理, SLF可持續皮革基金會
- 郭永贤, 运营总监, STC 香港標準及檢定中心
全球鞋业高峰论坛 议程
下午 2:00 – 6:00
研讨会区, 1C展厅, 香港会议展览中心

Opening Address – Footwear Industry Updates by World Footwear Magazine
Session 1:
Footwear Production 1400 – 1500

Manufacturing and Supply Chain
In the current scenario where the demand for footwear is significantly lower than the available supply, finding a balance for the supply chain has become a crucial challenge. This session identifies the challenge by analysing the industry changes in the past 5 years and most importantly, to explore potential solutions for the near future.

Session 2:
Footwear Material 1520 – 1620

The evolution of footwear materials
Delve into the realm of material’s carbon neutrality, the sustainability comparison between leather and man-made materials, the concept of circularity and particularly the recyclability and manufacturer’s responsibility throughout a product’s lifecycle.

Session 3:
Footwear Retail and Branding 1640 – 1740

Omnichannel Brilliance: Branding in Modern Retail
Shift your perspective, instead of seeking customers for your products, discover products that truly cater to your customers’ needs. Get inspired by visionary speakers who will share their insights on the latest market trends, content creation and branding strategies in the future footwear market.

Networking Session – APLF Cocktail Party
Who Should Attend:
Footwear brands
Material Suppliers
Session 1
10:30 – 11:30
Supporting Partners: