7 February 2025
A new Leatherbiz Market Intelligence went live on February 4. This time the newsletter points to a lack of real change in the leather pipeline and few signs of any real renaissance for leather. Report by Leatherbiz.
This is partly because the momentum has intensified in the shift in the main activity in the global leather industry from Europe to Asia. In Asia, many companies are currently on holiday for the Lunar New Year.
But it says there are still grounds for hope. In recent times, the success of retro sneakers is one source of hope. The frequent inclusion of leather clothing and accessories in the catwalk shows at recent fashion week events is another.
If major consumer brands choose to expand their use of leather to collections aimed at the mass market, Market Intelligence says, they will find there is an abundance of raw material available and that, in some cases at least, this material is available “at the lowest prices in history”.
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