4 February 2025

Spain - Tenerías Omega closure plans on hold

The closure of Spanish leather manufacturer Tenerías Omega may not go ahead. Worker representatives have told local media in Navarra that two bids have emerged to buy the operation. By Leatherbiz.

Closure of the tannery, a specialist in making leather for transportation applications, was announced in September. The 79 people who were working at the company at that time were told their jobs would go.

Of the two bids to take Tenerías Omega on as a going concern, one includes the retention of 44 jobs, the other guarantees a workforce of 40.

The company has been going through an administration process, as a result of which the two new offers have come forward. The offers will go before a judge, who will decide which of the two bids will win.

Workers’ representatives said this outcome was good news for the staff and for the local area. They said they would seek to secure a fair agreement with whichever new management team comes in for the employees that are willing to come back to work at the tannery, and a good redundancy settlement for those who will not return.

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