3 December 2024

EUDR postponed: The decision that awaited UNIC - Concerie Italiane came this morning.

With 371 votes in favour, 240 against and 30 abstentions, the European Parliament approved the Commission’s proposal to postpone the entry into application of the EUDR by one year.

The Anti-Deforestation Regulation, therefore, will come into force from 30 December 2025 for large companies and from 30 June 2026 for SMEs.

In the same session, Strasbourg approved amendments that introduce two interesting innovations regarding the risk benchmark of the countries of origin of commodities.

The first: the European authorities will be bound to finalize the risk classification system by country by June 30, 2025 (depending on the benchmark, in fact, companies are required to draw up different due diligence).

The second: the same authorities will have to introduce the “risk-free” category, which complements those already provided for “low”, “standard” and “high”.

Now, only one other objective – FUNDAMENTAL – is missing to be achieved: the exclusion of cowhide from Annex I, the annex that lists the commodities that must be subject to EUDR.

Cowhide is not a driver of #deforestazione and it simply shouldn’t be in Annex I.

关于亚太区皮革展 ​



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