21 October 2024

European Leather Industry

COTANCE reports on LinkedIn: As COTANCE and industriAll Europe celebrate 25 years of social partnership, we confidently look toward the future through our ongoing work at the Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee (SSDC) for Tanning & Leather hosted by the European Commission. This October 15, 2024 we decided to launch the review of our joint roadmap 2020-2025. We will be looking onto the challenges ahead for the leather industry in the period until 2030, a key milestone on the road to reenDeal goals.


We are proud to see the good practices, tools and recommendations developed by the EU Social Partners gaining global recognition. After UNIDO taking over the OiRA tool for Risk assessment in tanneries, now the International Labour Organization has embraced the results of the GreenDealLeather project on “Injuries/Accidents in Tanneries” and will share this knowledge at an international workshop in Torino on 16-17 December.


Additionally, we addressed together key industrial issues such as leather durability, its biodegradability & the EUDR review. COTANCE raised concerns about the current method of measuring product lifespan in “wears” instead of years in the Apparel & Footwear PEFCR. We reaffirmed that the leather industry fully supports the fight against deforestation, but also referred to the overwhelming scientific literature dismissing leather as a driver of deforestation – supporting its exclusion from the EUDR – which was analysed in the recent study by Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna.


We are proud of the fruitful EU Social Dialogue in the leather sector and grateful for the support of industriAll Europe on critical industry matters.

关于亚太区皮革展 ​



我们主办多个专注时尚及生活潮流的商贸展览会, 为这不断变化的行业,提供最全面的买家及参展商服务,方便他们了解急速转变的行业环境,并预测来季趋势。

