13 March 2025
APLF interviewed the president of Bolivia’s Curtiembre America onsite at APLF Leather on Day 2 of the fair.
Federico Perez explained that they were participating at APLF for the second consecutive year and were very happy with the results so far.
Curtiembre America sees APLF as a key portal to penetrate the Asian market and have customers in China, Vietnam and even interest from African countries.
The tannery produces a wide array of leathers of all types and exports wet salted hides, wet blue, semifinished and finished leathers to its customers.
It is in four cities in Bolivia – in Sucre for vegetable tanned leather; In La Paz and Santa Cruz for wet blue and in Cochabamba for finished leathers.
In order to secure a supply of quality bovine hides, the Curtiembre America group is setting up a meat processing facility with a slaughter capacity of 500 head per day. In this way, better quality raw hides will be available for the tanneries.
Mr Perez said that Curtiembre America would return to APLF in 2026 to continue the development of their business in Asia.
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