27 November 2024

Documentary - World without Cows

Carrie Ruxton PhD writes on LinkedIn: I was lucky enough to attend a preview of this thought-provoking documentary at the Royal Highland Centre last night hosted by Quality Meat Scotland. Look for an opportunity to see it if you can. The website link is: https://lnkd.in/eKX-b2Em.


Key points for me were:

India has 300 million cows and domestic buffalo – mostly unproductive and wandering around the streets with poor diets and no veterinary care. This has a significant impact on methane emissions compared with the UK’s highly productive, mostly grass-fed herd of 9.5 million cattle. How can culturally sensitive solutions be found by Indian people to reduce this impact of these animals?

The film showed two examples of soil health -one from a regenerative farm where cattle were rotated on crop fields and one with no livestock. Soil on the regenerative farm stored far more carbon and was better quality.

An experiment in the UK which ploughed up pasture and planted food crops grew no edible crops for 2 years due to poor flood management and erosion of soil nutrients.

Livestock with high yields, good quality nutrition, high welfare and shorter times to slaughter have a far lower impact on greenhouse gas emissions. Regenerative mixed farms with livestock can be carbon neutral as measured by scientific methodologies.

So, how can we all work together to move this forward? Watch the film and tell me your ideas …

关于亚太区皮革展 ​



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