7 November 2024

Tibet - Seasonal Relocation by Herders

Francis Rsang writes on LinkedIn: We just resettled down in a winter home!

Seasonal migration is a practice common in certain Tibetan communities. Herders and farmers move their yaks and other livestock to different pastures depending on the season. This movement is often referred to as transhumance.

Moving to a ‘winter home’ typically means that as the colder months approach, Tibetan herders will relocate from higher-altitude summer pastures to lower-elevation areas where conditions are more temperate and where their animals have better access to food. These winter homes might be established camps or villages that the same families have used for generations.

The relocation process can be pretty complex, involving not only the movement of animals but also the dismantling and setting up of living quarters, ensuring that all members of the family and herd are accounted for, and sometimes negotiating passage through territories controlled by other groups.

关于亚太区皮革展 ​



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