7 August 2024

South America - Legal congress to hear the case for a leather law in Argentina


Buenos Aires-based fashion lawyer and academic Dr Carolina Albanese will be one of the principal speakers at the 2024 Latin America Fashion Law Congress, which takes place in Mexico City on August 22 and 23. By Leatherbiz.

In her keynote presentation, Dr Albanese will present to the congress the case for a law in Argentina to protect the identity of leather.

Discussions about a leather law for Argentina have been taking place for years. Dr Albanese has said that establishing legal protection for leather has now become urgent.

“The leather industry in Argentina is facing important sustainability challenges,” she has said, “but it also faces challenges from unfair competition because of disinformation regarding synthetic materials that are presented to the market as leather.”

She said legislation to make clear the differences between leather and synthetic alternatives would protect consumers and guarantee fairer competition in the market.

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