18 July 2024

Finance - Rino Mastrotto places first high-yield market bonds

Italian tanner Rino Mastrotto has announced the successful placement of €320 million in high-yield market bonds with a variable interest rate. By ILM.

The bonds will mature in 2031, with issuance and settlement scheduled for July 22, 2024. The company also submitted a request for inclusion on the official list of the Luxembourg Stock Exchange, with admission to trading on the Euro MTF Market.

CEO Matteo Mastrotto said: “We are proud of the excellent result achieved by Rino Mastrotto in its first bond issuance on the capital market. The significant interest in the operation from Italian and international investors is further recognition of the results achieved by our company in over 60 years of history and confirms the strength of our business model based on excellent craftsmanship and unique technologies.”

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