18 September 2023
A sneak preview of our new LEATHER CAMPAIGN “it’s a long story” This campaign is designed to take visitors on a rich and inspiring digital journey. A journey of discovery to meet makers, designers and leather repair experts and celebrate the beauty, quality, versatility, heritage, long-lasting qualities & circularity of leather. Through personal stories and the support of brands including Ecco, Coach, R.M. Williams, the Boot Repair Company and many more, we will be delighted to officially launch the “it’s a long story” exhibition on 19 September. Save the date!
By the way what is your story to share of your well loved leather treasure?
我们主办多个专注时尚及生活潮流的商贸展览会, 为这不断变化的行业,提供最全面的买家及参展商服务,方便他们了解急速转变的行业环境,并预测来季趋势。
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