9 August 2023
Cargill has released its Annual Report for 2023, including its financial results for the year as well as its other achievements, writes ILM.
The company achieved revenue of US$177 billion in the 2023 fiscal year, up by 7% year-on-year. Cargill employs more than 160,000 people as of the report, operating in 70 countries and selling to 125 markets. The company is one of the largest beef processors in North America.
The global food, agricultural, financial and industrial products business ceased reporting quarterly and yearly financial results in 2020 but releases full-year sales results in its annual report.
Among its highlights from the financial year, Cargill showcased a US$30 million grant funding project in collaboration with Nestlé and the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation to develop regenerative ranching.
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