30 November 2021
Italian tanners will present their latest collections at a special presentation in Paris on December 7, reports Leatherbiz.
Italy’s embassy in the French capital (pictured) will host an event in a series called A New Point of Materials, which debuted at Lineapelle in Milan in September and moved to New York in October.
The event, which has the support of export promotions agency ICE-ITE, is a showcase created by Fashion 4 Development, a platform that seeks to use fashion to drive social change, and by sustainable fashion hub CLASS.
CLASS said the leathers on show at the Paris event would be “evolutionary and with high-profile sustainability content”, combining technology, craftsmanship, tradition and an avant-garde spirit.
我们主办多个专注时尚及生活潮流的商贸展览会, 为这不断变化的行业,提供最全面的买家及参展商服务,方便他们了解急速转变的行业环境,并预测来季趋势。
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