Coming from Overseas?

Coming from China, Macau - China, Taiwan - China

To assist your visa application, the Organisers can issue you an official invitation letter. You can apply the invitation letter through this form at least two months before the Fair begins. After receiving and verifying the requested documents, we will send you the invitation letter by email.  It will normally take four to six weeks for the Immigration Department to process a visit/transit visa/entry permit application upon receipt of all the required documents. Please note the issuance of a visa is at the discretion of the Hong Kong Immigration Department.

About APLF

We bring leather, material and fashion businesses together: an opportunity to meet and greet face to face. We bring them from all parts of the world so that they can find fresh partners, discover new customers or suppliers and keep ahead of industry developments.

We organise a number of trade exhibitions which focus on fashion and lifestyle: sectors that are constantly in flux, so visitors and exhibitors alike need to be constantly aware both of the changes around them and those forecast for coming seasons.

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