Automotive – Morgan prepares for three-wheel adventure

4 March 2022 Automotive – Morgan prepares for three-wheel adventure Automotive company Morgan is launching a new, open-topped, three-wheel vehicle, the Super 3, writes Leatherbiz.     It has said the project presented it with a new design challenge, but the company began making cars with two wheels at the front and one at the… Continue reading Automotive – Morgan prepares for three-wheel adventure

Sportswear – Authentic Brands Group finalises Reebok acquisition

4 March 2022 Sportswear – Authentic Brands Group finalises Reebok acquisition Authentic Brands Group (ABG) has completed its acquisition of Reebok from adidas, which they agreed to sell in 2021 for a total consideration of up to €2.1 billion, reports ILM.     ABG has announced partnerships with a series of distributors around the world… Continue reading Sportswear – Authentic Brands Group finalises Reebok acquisition

Upcycling Leather – An Initiative from Malaysia Airlines

4 March 2022 Upcycling Leather – An Initiative from Malaysia Airlines A fantastic initiative from Malaysia Airlines. Upcycling Muirhead leather seats, life vests, and other aircraft materials underpins their commitment for a net-zero carbon emission future.     Leather is one of the oldest manufactured products and the original up-cycled material. The hides or skins… Continue reading Upcycling Leather – An Initiative from Malaysia Airlines

Deforestation – Leather is not to blame, but willing to help

3 March 2022 Deforestation – Leather is not to blame, but willing to help Due to its link with the meat industry, leather is often claimed to be a cause of the deforestation in vulnerable environments, such as the Amazon. Reports by NGOs have attempted to associate fashion brands and automotive companies to deforestation and… Continue reading Deforestation – Leather is not to blame, but willing to help

ZDHC – Leather and textiles combined in wastewater update

3 March 2022 ZDHC – Leather and textiles combined in wastewater update ZDHC Foundation has published an update to its Wastewater Guidelines, combining previously separate textile and leather wastewater guidelines into one.     The ZDHC set up a Wastewater Council – made up of experts from the textile industry, academia and water treatment industry… Continue reading ZDHC – Leather and textiles combined in wastewater update

Russia-Ukraine war will affect Brazilian meat exports

3 March 2022 Russia-Ukraine war will affect Brazilian meat exports According to analysis from corporate investment bank Itaú BBA, the ongoing crisis in Ukraine could have consequences for the Brazilian meat industry and global meat supply.     Brazil is a net exporter of corn and, as Ukraine provides 35% of the corn supply for… Continue reading Russia-Ukraine war will affect Brazilian meat exports

Leather Naturally asks…..Can leather be water resistant?

2 March 2022 Leather Naturally asks…..Can leather be water resistant? Read the facts about the properties of leather     Click on the link –

Transport – Why genuine leather is just the ticket for transport

2 March 2022 Transport – Why genuine leather is just the ticket for transport Leather Naturally reports that a Scottish leather company called Muirhead recently refurbished 234 rail carriages for Irish Rail by re-covering 15,500 train seats with genuine leather. It is a reminder that leather is (quite literally) the natural choice for all kinds… Continue reading Transport – Why genuine leather is just the ticket for transport

Dubai – JBS Couros to present lifecycle data for leather in Dubai

2 March 2022 Dubai – JBS Couros to present lifecycle data for leather in Dubai Kim Sena of JBS Couros and Federico Brugnoli of Spin360 will discuss strategies for reducing the environmental footprint of leather during a presentation at an upcoming conference at APLF Dubai, writes ILM.     The pair will lead a presentation… Continue reading Dubai – JBS Couros to present lifecycle data for leather in Dubai

Recycling – Recycled leather fibre project enters commercialisation phase

1 March 2022 Recycling – Recycled leather fibre project enters commercialisation phase Finnish bio-materials manufacturer Spinnova confirmed on reporting its results for 2021 has completed a pilot production line in Finland for Respin, reports Leatherbiz.     In a joint venture with Ecco Leather and wet blue, crust and split supplier KT Trading, Spinnova launched… Continue reading Recycling – Recycled leather fibre project enters commercialisation phase