Livestock – EU cattle slaughter falls in 2022

28 March 2023 Livestock – EU cattle slaughter falls in 2022 Cattle slaughter in the European Union (EU) was down slightly in 2022 compared to the previous year, reports Leatherbiz.     Recently updated figures give a total cattle slaughter across the 27 member states of just under 22.7 million head last year. This represents… Continue reading Livestock – EU cattle slaughter falls in 2022

Europe-Bangladesh: Team Europe Initiative visit Bangladesh tanneries

27 March 2023 Europe-Bangladesh: Team Europe Initiative visit Bangladesh tanneries European Union representatives, from the Team Europe Initiative, in addition to representatives from the Dhaka embassies for France and Italy, recently visited the Bangladesh Small and Cottage Industries Corporation (BSCIC) tannery industrial estate, to observe the activities and working environments. Also in attendance were GIZ… Continue reading Europe-Bangladesh: Team Europe Initiative visit Bangladesh tanneries

Footwear retail – Net sales drop by 2% for Genesco in fiscal 2023

27 March 2023 Footwear retail – Net sales drop by 2% for Genesco in fiscal 2023 U.S.-headquartered retailer Genesco has reported its fourth quarter and full 2023 fiscal year results, with net sales down by 2% for the year.   For the fourth quarter of fiscal 2023, ended January 28, 2023, the company reported net… Continue reading Footwear retail – Net sales drop by 2% for Genesco in fiscal 2023

Argentina – Seal of Goof Design (SBD)

27 March 2023 Argentina – Seal of Goof Design (SBD) The Secretariat of Industry and Productive Development of Argentina promotes the incorporation of design strategies that implement improvements in its industrial processes and its products through the Seal of Good Design (SBD). Among its categories are clothing, footwear and accessories, writes CueroAmérica. For twelve years,… Continue reading Argentina – Seal of Goof Design (SBD)

H2O – Innovation drives further improvement in leather’s water footprint

24 March 2023 H2O – Innovation drives further improvement in leather’s water footprint Pro-leather campaign platform Leather Naturally celebrated World Water Day on March 22 by reiterating the industry’s commitment to best practice in reducing water consumption, reports Leatherbiz.   Bridge of Weir   It quoted 2020 figures that put the average consumption of water… Continue reading H2O – Innovation drives further improvement in leather’s water footprint

Stahl publishes new ESG report

24 March 2023 Stahl publishes new ESG report Leather chemicals producer Stahl has published its 2022 environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) report, outlining its sustainable development ambitions and highlighting its achievements over the last year, reports Leatherbiz.     Achievements in the year include a 3% reduction in CO2e for scope 1 and scope… Continue reading Stahl publishes new ESG report

Tibet – Local hide sourcing as part of the leather value chain

24 March 2023 Tibet – Local hide sourcing as part of the leather value chain Francis Tsang, co-founder of the ChromeFree Leather Alliance, writes that we, The Third Pole Of The Earth Leather a Community-based poverty reduction project, source and tan raw Yak hide directly from the nomads, thus reducing transport costs and ensuring that… Continue reading Tibet – Local hide sourcing as part of the leather value chain

Leatherbiz Market Intelligence – Time running out for footwear orders to lift the mood

23 March 2023 Leatherbiz Market Intelligence – Time running out for footwear orders to lift the mood We published the most recent Leatherbiz Market Intelligence on March 21.     In this issue, the mood is downbeat. Longed-for large orders of leather from footwear manufacturers for next winter’s shoe collections have not arrived in the… Continue reading Leatherbiz Market Intelligence – Time running out for footwear orders to lift the mood

Leather Repair – French industry shows that leather is a repairable, reusable and beautiful material

23 March 2023 Leather Repair – French industry shows that leather is a repairable, reusable and beautiful material The Conseil National du Cuir (CNC) produced a series of advertising spots in which it invites consumers to repair their leather goods, which is possible thanks to the durability of this material, its ability to maintain its… Continue reading Leather Repair – French industry shows that leather is a repairable, reusable and beautiful material

Water Conservation

23 March 2023 Water Conservation Scottish Leather Group writes that 95% of natural, clean water is sourced from our own loch. The water is “borrowed”; we treat it, recycle it or discharge the treated water back to the same watershed.     A further benefit of water recycling is heat recovery, accounting for up to… Continue reading Water Conservation