APLF 2024 Exhibitor List

Supporting Partners

Latest update: 3 February 2023 (Weekly update)

Notable Industry Association Participations​


(Brazil – Assintecal) Assintecal Brazilian Association Of Companies Of Components For Leather Footwear And Manufactured Goods


(Brazil – CICB) Centre for the Brazilian Tanning Industry


(Egypt – EECA) Egypt Expo & Convention Authority


(France – FFCP) Federation Française des Cuirs et Peaux – French Hides and Skins Association


[Leather & Fashion Access]
(India – CLE) Council for Leather Exports

(Italy – ICE) Italian Trade Agency

[Fashion Access]
(Pakistan – PLGMEA) Pakistan Leather Garments & Goods Manufacturer Association


(Pakistan – PTA) Pakistan Tanners’ Association


[Fashion Access]
(South Africa – SAFLEC) South African Footwear and Leather Export Council


(Türkiye – ITKIB) Istanbul Leather and Leather Products Exporters’ Association


[Fashion Access]
(Vietnam – LEFASO) Vietnam Leather, Footwear and Handbag Association 

Click here to view more suppliers’ showrooms in sampleroom and contact them. 

SectorsCompany NameCountryStand No
Leather3P Srl UnipersonaleItaly3C-E20
LeatherA M C Tannery Machines SrlItaly3B-D10
LeatherA. BuhlerBrazil3C-E07-CICB
LeatherA+B Hides GmbH & Co KGGermany3C-B21b-DE
LeatherAgaoglu Dis Ticaret Dericilik Ltd StiTurkey3C-E10
LeatherAgro Latina LtdaBrazil3C-E31-CICB
LeatherAhi Deri Sanayi Ve Dis Tic Ltd StiTurkey3G-E04-TR
LeatherAikawa Co LtdJapan3F-G06-JP
LeatherAkaylar Deri Sanayi ve Tic A.S.Turkey3G-D04-TR
LeatherAlanchim SrlItaly3B-C15
LeatherAlpaka DeriTurkey3F-G11
LeatherAlpha LeatherBrazil3C-D31-CICB
LeatherAmerica LeatherBrazil3C-D09-CICB
LeatherAmericana De Curtidos Ltda y Cia ScaColombia3D-C29
LeatherAmin InternationalIndia3E-A01-IN
Fashion AccessAndre International Capital LtdChina1D-D20
Materials+Anhui Yongle New Material Technology Co LtdChina1C-C21
Materials+Anqing Juyi Trade Co LtdChina1B-D22
LeatherAnson International / Sunny International Leather Industry Sdn. Bhd. ( Malaysia )Malaysia3F-F01
LeatherApex Tannery LtdBangladesh3D-A33
LeatherAPIC - The Portuguese Leather AssociationPortugalTBC
LeatherArgolanda BVNetherlands3C-E08
LeatherArke Conceria SrlItaly3F-C01-IT
LeatherArtone CollectionHong Kong, China3E-D33
LeatherAs Green Technology Srl Unipersonale ItalyTBC
LeatherASP ChemischIndia3B-A09
LeatherAspells Deri Konfeksiyon San. ve Tic. A.S.Turkey3G-D03-TR
LeatherATC Tannery Chemicals - Mercier TurnerFrance3C-B02-FR
LeatherAtlas Refinery IncUSA3D-A10-USA
LeatherAUK EnterprisesPakistan3E-E11-PK
LeatherAusonia SrlItaly3F-E01-IT
LeatherAustralian Hide Skin and Leather Exporters Association (AHSLEA)Australia3C-F21-AU
LeatherAzul Natural Beef S.A.Argentina3C-F05
LeatherB & GFrance3F-G24-FR-FFTM
Fashion AccessB.N. EnterprisesIndia1E-C06-IN
LeatherBaggio Tecnologie SrlItalyTBC
Fashion AccessBaoding Dilang Bags Manufacturing Co LtdChina1E-F21-CN
LeatherBarnini SrlItalyTBC
LeatherBauce Tri.Ma SrlItalyTBC
LeatherBengal Leather Complex LtdBangladesh3D-B21
LeatherBergi S.P.A.ItalyTBC
LeatherBest BrasilBrazil3C-D32-CICB
LeatherBest Tanning IndustryPakistan3E-E05-PK
Materials+Bet Pak Technology (HK) LtdHong Kong, China1C-D16
Fashion AccessBharat EnterprisesIndia1E-D13-IN
LeatherBisonte Cuoificio SpaItaly3F-D13-IT
LeatherBonistalli & Stefanelli SpaItaly3F-E12-IT
LeatherBudi Makmur IndonesiaIndonesia3D-D16
Fashion AccessBVLK Apparel & AccessoriesSouth Africa (Rep of)1D-B06-SA
LeatherC.G.R.D. SRLItaly3B-B12
LeatherCalico ImpexIndia3E-A04-IN
LeatherCalico TrendsIndia3E-A02-IN
LeatherCalisganlar DeriTurkey3G-C05-TR
LeatherCBR Group - Couros Bom RetiroBrazil3C-D10-CICB
Materials+Ceitex AsiaHong Kong, China1C-B04
LeatherCevahir Deri San Tic Ltd StiTurkey3G-C03-TR
LeatherChamois LeatherPakistan3E-E28-PK
Fashion AccessChangshu Kangle Leather Goods Co LtdChina1E-A17
Materials+Changzhou Jiachen New Fiber Science And Technology Co LtdChina1C-A03
LeatherChemexim DMCCUnited Arab Emirates3B-B19
LeatherChemipal SrlItalyTBC
LeatherChemtan Company IncUSA3D-B17-USA
LeatherChimica Italiana International SrlItalyTBC
LeatherChina Leather Industry Association - CLIAChinaTBC
LeatherChongqing Minfeng Chemical Co LtdChina3B-A20
LeatherChung Fai Leather Enterprise Co.Hong Kong, China3G-E11
LeatherCICB - Centre for the Brazilian Tanning IndustryBrazil3C-D33-CICB
LeatherCihan Deri Sanayi A.S.Turkey3G-B03-TR
LeatherCihan Kimya San. Tic. Ltd. Sti.Turkey3B-C31
LeatherCK International LLCUSA3D-B05-USA
LeatherCM Tannery Machines SpaItaly3B-D33
LeatherCMC LeatherBrazil3C-D31-CICB
LeatherCO.RA.PEL. S.r.lItaly3F-C11
Materials+Comelz SpaItaly1C-E15
LeatherComing Ind. Com. De CourosBrazil3C-E01-CICB
LeatherConceria Capital SrlItaly3F-D09-IT
LeatherConceria Samanta SpaItaly3F-D14
LeatherConceria Tre EmmeItaly3F-E24
LeatherConceria Tris SpaItaly3F-D02-IT
LeatherConceria Volpiana SpaItaly3F-E21-IT
LeatherConceria Yankee SrlItaly3F-E11-IT
LeatherConsorzio Vera Pelle Italiana Conciata al VegetaleItaly3FC-C01
LeatherCorichem SrlItalyTBC
LeatherCortume KrumenauerBrazil3C-D19-CICB
LeatherCouncil For Leather ExportsIndiaTBC
LeatherCouro & ArteBrazil3C-D26-CICB
LeatherCovico - Fortain - Nouvelle Societe ArnaudFrance3C-C04-FR
LeatherCromogenia Units S.A.Spain3B-C14-ES
LeatherCTC Asia LtdHong Kong, China3B-A01
LeatherCubukcuoglu DeriTurkey3G-C16-TR
LeatherCuirs De LagnyFrance3G-A18-FR-FFTM
LeatherCuoificio La Querce SrlItaly3F-E05-IT
LeatherCurtiembre America BoliviaBolivia3C-C18
LeatherCurtiembre Arlei S.A.Argentina3D-D02
LeatherCurtume A.P. Muller LtdaBrazil3C-D11-CICB
LeatherCurtume BannachBrazil3C-D15-CICB
LeatherCurtume CaciqueBrazil3C-E15-CICB
LeatherCurtume NimoBrazil3C-E21-CICB
LeatherCurtume PartnerBrazil3C-E11-CICB
LeatherCurtume SulinoBrazil3C-D28-CICB
LeatherCurtumes Santo AntonioBrazil3C-E17-CICB
LeatherD & A Edge Polymer LtdHong Kong, China3B-B11
LeatherD & R - Research And Development of ChemicalsPortugal3B-E09-PT
LeatherDada Enterprises Private Ltd (Yue Fat International Ltd)Hong Kong, China3E-C11
LeatherDaeil Leather Co LtdKorea3E-D02-KR
Fashion AccessDan KreationsIndia1E-C04-IN
LeatherDanese Srl Tannery.Equipment ItalyTBC
LeatherDani SpaItaly3F-D16.
LeatherDavid Leather Expressions SrlItaly3F-D16
LeatherDavimpex Enterprise Bahirdar Tannery PLCEthiopia3D-D12
LeatherDege Trading - NorcuirFrance3C-C07-FR
Fashion AccessDel Sur Leather Int'lArgentina1D-D02AVE
LeatherDermacolor SrlItalyTBC
LeatherDias RuivoPortugal3F-B14-PT
Fashion AccessDiscovery Leathers India1E-D05-IN
Fashion AccessDongchen Industry (Thailand) Co LtdChina1D-E12
LeatherDongguan Jin Kun Leather Co LtdChina3E-C16
Materials+Dongguan Lexiang Hardware Co LtdChinaTBC
Materials+Dongguan Ruike Industrial Co LtdChina1B-D12
Fashion AccessDugros Leather India Pvt LtdIndia1E-B02-IN
LeatherDurli Couros Indústria e Comércio de CourosBrazil3C-D01-CICB
LeatherEastern Leather Co (Pvt) LtdPakistan3D-C11
LeatherEdsim Leather CoUSA3C-E12
LeatherEgedamla Deri - Ozkuplemez Deri Ve Tarim San. Ve. Tic. Ltd. Sti.Turkey3G-C13-TR
LeatherEgo SrlItaly3F-G15
LeatherEl Iman TanneryEgypt3C-E18
LeatherEl.Pa. Service SrlItalyTBC
LeatherElegant Leather InternationalPakistan3E-F33-PK
Fashion AccessElegant Scene Leather Goods LtdHong Kong, China1D-D16
LeatherEl-Montaza TanneryEgypt3D-D24
LeatherEmag AGSwitzerland3D-A22
LeatherEmder Dis Ticanet Limited SirketiTurkey3G-E02-TR
LeatherEmelda Deri Konf. Turizm Ins. San. Ve Dis Tic. A.S.Turkey3G-D14-TR
LeatherEnes Deri Urunleri San. ve Tic Ltd. Sti.Turkey3G-E14-TR
LeatherEPCT (PVT) Ltd.Pakistan3E-E06-PK
LeatherEquitan SrlItalyTBC
LeatherErmaksan Sanayi Makinalari Ltd Sti (Ermaksan Tannery Machines)Turkey3B-B32
LeatherErretre SpaItalyTBC
LeatherEscomar Italia SrlItalyTBC
LeatherEuro-America International Freight ForwardersBrazil3C-D33-CICB
LeatherEverest SrlItaly3F-F02-IT
LeatherEvolution Tech SrlItalyTBC
LeatherEvolve Global Group DWC - LLCUnited Arab Emirates3B-B26
Fashion AccessExclusive Crafts Pvt LtdNepalTBC
LeatherExo DeriTurkey3F-C02
LeatherExpopieles Del Caribe SASColombia3F-D08..
LeatherFabre & AzemarFrance3F-G24-FR-FFTM
LeatherFaeda SpaItaly3F-D11-IT
Fashion AccessFatima Khan LuxurySouth Africa (Rep of)1D-C07-SA
LeatherFederation Française des Cuirs et Peaux (FFCP)France3C-C12-FR
LeatherFeltre SrlItalyTBC
LeatherFoglizzo Leather SrlItaly3G-A16
LeatherFonpelli SpaItaly3F-E03-IT
LeatherForma Expo de Couros LtdaBrazil3C-D05-CICB
Fashion AccessFoshan Glory Team Leather Costumes Co LtdChina1E-E15
LeatherFrench Leather FactorySaudi Arabia3C-F09
LeatherFrench Tanners Association - FFTMFrance3G-C24-FR-FFTM
LeatherFriedrich Sturm GmBH & Co KGGermany3C-B21a-DE
LeatherFuga Couros S/ABrazil3C-D12-CICB
LeatherFujian Leather Reborn Trading Co LtdChina3E-C31
Materials+Fujian Zhanbao New Material Technology Co LtdChinaTBC
Materials+Fule Jinjiang Footwear Material Co LtdChina1C-A07
Materials+Funghing Hardware Products CompanyHong Kong, China1C-E13
LeatherG.F.P. SrlItalyTBC
LeatherGaitonde Leathers & Accessories Pvt LtdIndia3E-A20-IN
LeatherGe.Ma.Ta. SpaItalyTBC
Materials+Gebr Picard International LtdHong Kong, China1C-D11
LeatherGer Elettronica SrlItalyTBC
LeatherGermany - Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs And Climate ActionGermany3C-B21-DE
LeatherGhani Rasheed & CoHong Kong, China3E-D21
LeatherGI ELLE EMME Conceria SpaItaly3F-D07-IT
LeatherGobba LeatherBrazil3C-D09-CICB
Fashion AccessGolden C Trading CoHong Kong, China1D-C22
Fashion AccessGoodBelt Leather Accessory LtdChina1D-D09
LeatherGoryakinlar Deri Sanayi Ve Tic A. S.Turkey3G-B01-TR
LeatherGozzini 1906 Turini Group SrlItalyTBC
LeatherGruppo BiokimicaItaly3B-C01.
LeatherGruppo Mastrotto SpaItaly3F-F14-IT
LeatherGSC Group S.P.A.Italy3C-A20
Fashion AccessGTCL Pte LtdSingapore1D-C16
Materials+Guangdong Emily Ribbon LtdChina1B-D36
Materials+Guangdong Meishiya Technology Co LtdChina1B-E30
Materials+Guangzhou Tengxiang Leather Co LtdChina1B-D07
Fashion AccessGuangzhou Changchun Shoes Co LtdChina1C-D28
Fashion AccessGuangzhou Geling Leather Co LtdChina1E-A20
Fashion AccessGuangzhou Gulianteng Leather Co LtdChina1E-B05
Fashion AccessGuangzhou Hageness Leather Co LtdChina1E-B23
Fashion AccessGuangzhou Heming Leather Belt Co LtdChina1D-E11
LeatherGuangzhou Huarui Leather Co LtdChina3D-D21
Materials+Guangzhou Jinbairui Leather &Textile Co LtdChinaTBC
Fashion AccessGuangzhou Lihuang Shoes Industry Co LtdChina1D-B27
LeatherGuangzhou Meilishuo Leather Co LtdChina3C-F01
LeatherGuangzhou Qifu Leather Co LtdChina3E-B22
Fashion AccessGuangzhou Roenari Trade Co LtdChina1D-B23
Fashion AccessGuangzhou Shenglaixin Leather Co LtdChina1E-B19
Fashion AccessGuangzhou Shengye Yuelai Impel Leather Co LtdChina1D-C14
Fashion AccessGuangzhou Shengze Luggage Technology Co LtdChina1E-B21
Fashion AccessGuangzhou Tinlee Leather Co LtdChina1D-E16
Materials+Guangzhou Wooshi Zipper Co LtdChina1C-B20
Materials+Guangzhou Wound Strength Plastic Co LtdChina1C-B17
Fashion AccessGuangzhou Xuanhong Leather Products Co LtdChina1D-C18
Fashion AccessGuangzhou Yinduo Leather FactoryChina1D-B22
Fashion AccessGuangzhou Yonghe Trading Co LtdChina1D-A30
Materials+Guangzhou Yuanbao Leather Co LtdChina1C-B01
Fashion AccessGuangzhou yunshang Leather Product Belt Co LtdChina1D-E09
Fashion AccessGypsy GlobalIndia1E-D17-IN
LeatherH & H Leather Industry LtdBangladesh3E-B25
LeatherH. Sadar Ali Akhtar Ali (Pvt) LtdPakistan3E-F29-PK
LeatherH.Y. LeatherexBrazil3C-E09-CICB
LeatherHabib FashionIndia3E-B17-IN
LeatherHafiz TanneryPakistan3E-F13-PK
LeatherHarland M. Braun & CoUSA3D-A12-USA
LeatherHarsha ImpexIndia3E-B19-IN
LeatherHashimoto Industry Co LtdJapan3E-C12
LeatherHason InternationalBrazil3C-D27-CICB
LeatherHCP - CCPFrance3G-B14-FR-FFTM
Fashion AccessHe Bei Hao Ming Synthetic Leather Co LtdChina1E-E20-CN
Fashion AccessHebei ZhaoXin Fur Products Co Ltd by SharesChina1D-D15
LeatherHenan Prosper & Colomer Moda Co LtdChina3D-C02
Fashion AccessHenan Warm House Industries Co LtdChina1C-D20
LeatherHeng Long Leather Co Pte LtdSingapore3G-A01
LeatherHerd Pack LLCUSA3D-A06-USA
LeatherHijaz Leathers Pvt LtdIndia3E-A05-IN
LeatherHIRIAR SasFrance3G-B24-FR-FFTM
LeatherHMB Tanneries (Pvt) LtdPakistan3E-F21-PK
LeatherHomera Tanning Industries Pvt LtdIndia3E-A15-IN
Fashion AccessHonlion International LtdHong Kong, China1D-E22
LeatherHop Lok Leather Factory LtdHong Kong, China3F-C09
LeatherHoriuchi Trading Company Ltd / Yee Tai Leather Ent LtdHong Kong, China3G-E13
LeatherHosung B&T Co LtdKorea3E-D10-KR
LeatherHouse of Ruksh Pvt LtdIndia3E-A09-IN
Materials+Hua Hui Accessories LtdHong Kong, China1C-D01
LeatherHub Leather (Pvt) LtdPakistan3E-C25
Fashion AccessHui Zhou Zhao Hua Leather Goods Co LtdChina1D-C21
LeatherHussain Leather CraftPakistan3E-F25-PK
LeatherHyunbo Tech Co LtdKorea3E-D12-KR
LeatherICAP Leather Chem SpaItaly3B-E10
LeatherICTYOS - Cuirs Marins De FranceFrance3G-A24-FR-FFTM
LeatherIGCAR Chemicals S.LSpain3B-D15-ES
LeatherIl Ponte Conceria SrlItaly3F-E22-IT
LeatherIlikem Ki̇mya Deri̇ Teksti̇l San. Ve Tic.A.S.Turkey3C-A02-TR
LeatherImperium OverseasIndia3E-A18-IN
Fashion AccessIn Style Fashion Mfg Co (HK)Hong Kong, China1E-B01
LeatherIN. BLUE s.r.l.Italy3C-E32
LeatherIndian Tanning IndustriesIndia3E-A19-IN
LeatherInducol - Industria De Peleteria Cruz Costa S.A.Portugal3F-B13-PT
LeatherIndustria de Peles Minuano LtdaBrazil3C-D20-CICB
LeatherIndutan - Comercio e Industria de Peles S.A.Portugal3F-B13-PT
Fashion AccessInfix CreationsSouth Africa (Rep of)1D-B04-SA
LeatherInpelsa-Industrias PeleterasSpain3F-C13-ES
Materials+Intercom SrlItaly1C-E16
LeatherInternational Leather Split Group Ware S.r.l. ConsortileItaly3D-C19
LeatherInternational Rich LtdHong Kong, China3F-B12
LeatherInterpelli SASColombia3D-A36
LeatherIP Industrie Pellami SrlItaly3F-D17-IT
LeatherIrfan Mohammed Said Atik Tanning FactorySaudi Arabia3C-F19
LeatherIskefe Deri Sanayi Ve Ticaret A.S.Turkey3C-B01-TR
LeatherItalhide SpaItaly3F-D08.
LeatherItalprogetti SpaItalyTBC
LeatherItalven Conceria Srl UnipersonaleItaly3F-E14-IT
LeatherITKIB Istanbul Leather & Leather Products Exporters AssociationTurkeyTBC
LeatherItoh Noboru-Syoten Co LtdJapan3F-G02-JP
Fashion AccessIzselHong Kong, China1D-C07AVE
LeatherJapan Leather & Leather Goods Industries Association (JLIA)Japan3F-G02-JP
LeatherJason International Trading Corp LtdHong Kong, China3C-F22
LeatherJBS CourosBrazil3C-F02-CICB
LeatherJBS Leather USAUSA3D-A08-USA
LeatherJeaman Leather & Leather ClothingPakistan3E-E07-PK
LeatherJiangsu Basman Machinery Co LtdChina3B-C34
Materials+Jiangsu Beautiful New Material Co LtdChina1C-B13
Materials+Jiangsu Deeplant New Material Technology Co LtdChina1C-B12
LeatherJiangsu Liangang Leather Machinery Co LtdChina3B-B09
Materials+Jiangyin City Xueke Plastic Products Co LtdChina1B-C05
LeatherJiangYin JunHua Leather Co LtdChina3E-B34
LeatherJiaozuo City Xinhui Industrial Co LtdChina3E-C21
LeatherJiaozuo Jiefan Leather Industry Co LtdChina3E-C34
Materials+Jiaxing Aonuo Textile Technology Co LtdChina1B-D18
Fashion AccessJinfeng Fashion Packaging Co LtdChina1D-C17
LeatherJingyi Fur Products Co LtdChina3E-C26
Materials+Jinjiang Gangyi Fiber Co LtdChina1C-A02
LeatherJoqueviel & CathalaFrance3F-G24-FR-FFTM
LeatherJos. H. Lowenstein & Sons IncUSA3D-A02-USA
Materials+Jo-Wellah Enterprise Co LtdTaiwan1C-C16-TW
Fashion AccessJun Yat International (HK) LtdHong Kong, China1D-D17
Fashion AccessKapoor IndustriesIndia1E-D01-IN
LeatherKaraca Deri Sanayi. Ve Tic. Ltd. Sti.Turkey3G-D01-TR
LeatherKaramat Tanning IndustriesIndia3E-B13-IN
LeatherKasur Tanneries (Pvt) LtdPakistan3E-E13-PK
LeatherKeck ChimieFrance3B-A13
LeatherKenda Farben Hongkong LtdHong Kong, China3C-A12
Fashion AccessKerisse Handbag Company LtdHong Kong, China1E-A10
LeatherKKSK International LLPIndia3E-B11-IN
LeatherKLF Tecnokimica S.r.l.Italy3C-A27
LeatherKorea Tanners' AssociationKoreaTBC
Fashion AccessKrisshiv InternationalIndia1E-D03-IN
LeatherKTM Leather Pvt LtdPakistan3E-E02-PK
Materials+Kunshan Achilles New Material Technology Co LtdChina1B-D30
LeatherKyoden LtdJapan3F-G08-JP
LeatherLa Bretagna Conceria SrlItaly3F-F10-IT
LeatherLa Scarpa SrlItaly3F-D06-IT
LeatherLamebo SrlItalyTBC
LeatherLangro-Chemie GmbH & Co KGGermany3C-A24-DE
Fashion AccessLe Chateau Anne Trading LtdHong Kong, China1C-D10AVE
Fashion AccessLe Roux LeatherSouth Africa (Rep of)1D-C05-SA
LeatherLeader TanneriesPakistan3E-F11-PK
LeatherLeather CoordinatorsPakistan3E-F17-PK
LeatherLeather NaturallyNetherlands3E-Con01
LeatherLeather Options Graziano MartiniItaly3F-D09-IT
LeatherLeather Quimica SLUSpain3B-C18-ES
LeatherLeather Tech PakistanPakistan3E-F23-PK
LeatherLeathertex Tanneries (Pvt) LtdPakistan3E-E12-PK
LeatherLederfabrik Josef Heinen GmbH & Co KGGermany3C-B22-DE
Materials+Lee Ing Global LtdHong Kong, China1C-D12
LeatherLes Cuirs de l’Ouest - Cuirs et Peaux de l'OuestFrance3C-C02-FR
LeatherLeshan Giantstar Farming & Husbandry Corporation LtdChina3E-C09
LeatherLianyungang Huihong Leather Machinery FactoryChina3B-A36
LeatherLiderkoll LtdaBrazil3C-D22-CICB
LeatherLifli Rulo ve Levha Sanayi A.S.Turkiye3G-C02-TR
LeatherLloyd Srl ConceriaItaly3F-F02-IT
LeatherLMF Biokimica SpaItaly3B-C22
LeatherLongnan Fabriano Leatherware Co LtdChina3E-D34
LeatherLuen Fung Leather Fty Trading Co LtdHong Kong, China3D-Con03
LeatherLuiz Fuga Industria de CourosBrazil3C-D02-CICB
LeatherMacro Deri San Ve Dis Tic Ltd StiTurkiye3G-E06-TR
Materials+Magica Shoe Materials Co LtdChina1C-D07
LeatherMahmood BrothersPakistan3E-E34-PK
LeatherManifattura Di Domodossola SpaItaly3F-F12-IT
LeatherMarca Toro Conceria SrlItaly3F-D05-IT
Fashion AccessMaria InternationalIndia1E-D11-IN
LeatherMario Caimi SrlItalyTBC
LeatherMarmara Deri Sanayi Ve Tic. Ltd. Sti.Turkiye3G-E01-TR
LeatherMasahiko Kasei Co LtdJapan3F-G10-JP
Fashion AccessMat Wah International Enterprise LtdHong Kong, China1D-E18
LeatherMb3 Conceria SrlItaly3F-E22-IT
LeatherMec Man SrlItalyTBC
LeatherMegisserie Alran SASFrance3F-G18-FR-FFTM.
LeatherMegisserie Bodin JoyeuxFrance3G-A21-FR-FFTM
LeatherMegisserie Cuirs Du FuturFrance3F-G19-FR-FFTM
LeatherMegisserie De La MoliereFrance3F-G23-FR-FFTM
LeatherMegisserie Raynaud JeuneFrance3F-G21-FR-FFTM
LeatherMengzhou Jujie Leather Co LtdChina3C-C20
LeatherMengzhou Zhengxue Fur and Leather Co LtdChina3E-B30
Fashion AccessMengzhou Zhuoyue Fur Products Sales Co LtdChinaTBC
Fashion AccessMido Trading (HK) LtdHong Kong, China1D-E23
LeatherMIMA Leather (Pvt) LtdPakistan3E-E10-PK
Fashion AccessMinazanaSouth Africa (Rep of)1D-B08-SA
LeatherMinerva S/ABrazil3C-D21-CICB
LeatherMiret y Cia, SASpain3F-C17-ES
LeatherMirza International LtdIndia3E-A14-IN
LeatherModel Tanners India3E-A08-IN
LeatherModel Tanners I Pvt LtdIndia3E-A10-IN
LeatherMonfrini Pellami SRLItaly3F-F22-IT
LeatherMongolian Association of Leather Industry (MALI)Mongolia3F-B06
LeatherMontana SpaItaly3F-D21-IT
LeatherMontebello Conceria SpaItaly3F-C05-IT
LeatherMonteverdi SrlItaly3F-E08-IT
LeatherMorapel Sp. z o.o.Poland3C-E30
LeatherMosconi SrlItalyTBC
Fashion AccessMrig FashionsIndia1E-C02-IN
Fashion AccessMTM Corporation LtdHong Kong, China1E-A09
LeatherMudanjiang Xiangda Chemicals CorporationChina3B-C33
LeatherMuhammad Ashraf (Pvt) LtdPakistan3E-F27-PK
LeatherMuhammad Shafi Tanneries (PVT) LtdPakistan3E-D15
LeatherMultan Hide Co (Pvt) LtdPakistan3E-E22-PK
LeatherNaaz Leather FinishersIndia3E-B03-IN
Materials+Nai Tso Enterprise Co LtdTaiwan1C-D15-TW
LeatherNan Tong Cor Tran Machine Co LtdChina3B-A27
LeatherNan Tong Sirui Engineering Co LtdChina3B-A31
LeatherNangong E.S. Fur and Skin Co LtdChina3E-D27
LeatherNano Press Co LtdKorea3E-D09-KR
Materials+New Way Pro. Design Co LtdChina1C-C04
LeatherNick Winters - Bigard - SocopaFrance3C-C08-FR
LeatherNoor Leather Garments (Pvt) LtdPakistan3E-E24-PK
LeatherNova Kaeru Exotic LeathersBrazil3C-E23-CICB
LeatherNova Leathers (Pvt) LtdPakistan3E-E32-PK
LeatherNTE Company (Pty) LtdSouth Africa (Rep of)3B-C09
LeatherNuova Overlord SpaItaly3F-E22-IT
LeatherNuti Ivo Conceria SpaItaly3F-F02-IT
LeatherOfficine Di Cartigliano SpaItalyTBC
LeatherOfficine Meccaniche Alpe SpaItalyTBC
LeatherOlcina Group Trading Co S. L.Spain3B-C20-ES
LeatherOrice Conceria SrlItaly3F-E05-IT
LeatherOzergenc Deri Sanayi ve Ticaret Anonim SirketiTurkiye3F-F13
LeatherP.W. Huber Zygmunt SkarbekPoland3G-A20
LeatherPacific LeatherBrazil3C-E11-CICB
LeatherPaddock Leathers LtdHong Kong, China3D-A32
LeatherPajusco Tecnologie SrlItalyTBC
LeatherPakistan Global TanneryPakistan3E-E19-PK
LeatherPakistan Tanners' AssociationPakistan3E-E34-PK
LeatherPelle ClassicsPakistan3E-E18-PK
LeatherPelle International LtdHong Kong, China3F-C12
Fashion AccessPetite French & CoSouth Africa (Rep of)1D-B10-SA
LeatherPFI Fareast (Hong Kong) Co LtdHong Kong, China3B-A05
LeatherPiegavelox SrlItaly3F-D17-IT
LeatherPrime Asia Leather Corporation Taiwan BranchChina3E-Con03
LeatherPrime Tanning Industries (Pvt) LtdPakistan3E-E15-PK
LeatherPrimorpelli SpaItaly3F-E06-IT
LeatherProfessione PelliItaly3F-G13
LeatherProgressive Leathers LtdNew Zealand3D-A26
LeatherProviera Biotech LLCUSA3D-A19-USA
LeatherPT International Leather WorksIndonesia3F-G14
LeatherPuccini Attilio Srl ConceriaItaly3F-F06-IT
LeatherPucon Deri Sanayi A.S.Turkiye3G-C15-TR
LeatherPulcra Chemicals GmbHGermany3C-A26-DE
Fashion AccessPurple Pot DesignSouth Africa (Rep of)1D-C11-SA
LeatherQinyang Xingyue Industry Co LtdChina3E-C27
LeatherQuanzhou Smile Trading Co LtdChina3E-B21
Materials+Quanzhou Xuanlong Textile Science And Technology Co LtdChina1C-C12
LeatherRahman Industries LtdChina3E-C02
LeatherRathnam LeathersIndia3E-A07-IN
LeatherRe.Pi.Co.-Resine Pigmenti Colori S.P.A.ItalyTBC
LeatherRevomec SrlItalyTBC
LeatherRiaz TanneriesPakistan3E-F15-PK
LeatherRiff Leather LtdBangladesh3C-C32
LeatherRives SAFrance3C-C01-FR
LeatherRotacoat SrlItalyTBC
LeatherRoyal Leather Industries LtdPakistan3E-F09-PK
LeatherRugao Dongxing Machinery Co LtdChina3B-A32
Materials+Run Italia SrlItaly1C-C07
LeatherS I R P SpaItaly3F-E02-IT
LeatherS.C. Costruzioni Meccaniche SrlItalyTBC
LeatherS.E.S.N. S.R.L.Italy3B-D29
LeatherSaba ExportsIndia3E-A12-IN
LeatherSAF Industries LtdBangladesh3E-D20
LeatherSakamoto CorporationJapan3F-G04-JP
LeatherSalamander SPS GmbH & Co KGGermany3C-B25-DE
Materials+Salirone Asia Company LtdChina1B-E19
LeatherSarchem Kimya Sanayi ve Ticaret A STurkiye3B-A19
LeatherSarg TanneryEgypt3D-D09
Fashion AccessSaSa DesignIndonesia1D-C33
LeatherScamosceria Astico SrlItaly3F-F18-IT
LeatherSciarada Industria Conciaria SPAItaly3F-F08-IT
LeatherScottish Leather GroupUK3F-B02-UK
Materials+Sea Queen Fashion LtdHong Kong, China1B-D01
Materials+Serafini SrlItaly1C-D03
Fashion AccessSeventyFour LeatherSouth Africa (Rep of)1D-C09-SA
LeatherShafeeq Shameel & CoIndia3E-A22-IN
LeatherShafique Leather EnterprisesPakistan3E-F31-PK
LeatherShaikh BrothersPakistan3E-E09-PK
LeatherShamimsons InternationalIndia3E-A06-IN
Materials+Shandong Kaitai Superfine Fiber Co LtdChinaTBC
LeatherShanghai Bluestar Chemical Group Co LtdChina3E-A28
Fashion AccessShanghai KIYI International Trade Co LtdChina1D-D19
Fashion AccessShanghai SAB Jiemei Co LtdChina1D-A26
Fashion AccessShantou Longhu Darun Crafts FactoryChina1D-B18
LeatherSheikh of Sialkot (Pvt) LtdPakistan3E-E17-PK
LeatherShensen Machinery Technology (Guangdong) Co LtdChina3B-A29
Materials+Shenzhen Carol Metal Products Co LtdChina1C-C09
Materials+Shenzhen HuakePu Sartorius Co LtdChina1C-B11
Fashion AccessShern Yang Metal Co Ltd of HuiyangChina1E-B20
LeatherShifan Leather GoodsPakistan3E-E26-PK
Materials+Shun Hing Metal Industrial LtdHong Kong, China1C-C02
LeatherSibel SASFranceTBC
LeatherSichuan Decision New Material Technology Co LtdChina3B-C32.
LeatherSiddiq Leather Works (Pvt) LtdPakistan3E-E01-PK
LeatherSimona Tanning IncChina3D-Con01.
LeatherSino Biotech United Co LtdChina3C-A31
LeatherSintan Kimya Sanayii ve Ticaret A.S.Turkiye3B-C21
LeatherSit Spa Mattei FeltsItalyTBC
LeatherSkivers Hides ASEstonia (Rep of)3G-B17
LeatherSLS International Co LtdKorea3E-C10-KR
LeatherSmita ExportIndia3E-A17-IN
LeatherSoon Heng Reptile Trading Sdn. BhdMalaysia3G-A11
LeatherSouthwest Hide CoUSA3D-B07-USA
LeatherSoydan A.S.Turkiye3G-C01-TR
LeatherSpraycolor SasItalyTBC
LeatherSpraytech SrlItalyTBC
LeatherStahl Coatings and Fine Chemicals (Suzhou) Co LtdChina3B-D02
LeatherStar Leather Industries (Pvt) LtdPakistan3E-E20-PK
LeatherStellitalia SrlItaly3F-E23
LeatherSunjin Industry CoKorea3E-C08-KR
Fashion AccessSunlik Leather Products LtdChina1E-B25
Fashion AccessSuper Tannery LtdIndia1E-C18-IN
LeatherSuperhouse LtdIndia3E-A03-IN
LeatherSyn-Bios SpAItaly3D-A10-USA
LeatherTalent Dragon Holdings LtdHong Kong, China3F-B01
LeatherTannerie Arnal sasFrance3F-G18-FR-FFTM
LeatherTannerie PechdoFrance3G-A23-FR-FFTM
LeatherTannerie Remy CarriatFrance3F-G22-FR-FFTM
LeatherTanneries HaasFrance3G-A21-FR-FFTM
LeatherTanneries RouxFrance3G-B20-FR-FFTM
LeatherTannin CorporationUSA3D-A18-USA
LeatherTasman Tanning Co LtdNew Zealand3C-F11
LeatherTata International Pvt LtdIndia3E-A26-IN
LeatherTauheed International (Pvt) LtdPakistan3E-E08-PK
Fashion AccessTeakwoodIndia1E-D09-IN
LeatherTecnochimica SpaItaly3B-C19
Materials+Tecno-Gi SpaItaly1C-B02
LeatherTeknotan Deri Sanayi Ve Ticaret A.STurkiye3G-D13-TR
LeatherTempesti SpaItaly3F-E16-IT
Fashion AccessTeplov ShoesSouth Africa (Rep of)1D-C03-SA
LeatherTess Dis Tic. Ltd. StiTurkiye3F-G01
Fashion AccessTestex, Swiss Textile -Testing LtdHong Kong, ChinaTBC
LeatherThe Leather & Hide Council of America - LHCAUSA3D-A02-USA
Fashion AccessThe South African Footwear & Leather Export CouncilSouth Africa (Rep of)1D-B12-SA
LeatherThema System SrlItalyTBC
LeatherThurling Investments (Pty) LtdSouth Africa (Rep of)3F-F19
LeatherTrendset Int'l Pte LtdSingapore3G-B13
LeatherTrumpler GmbH & Co. KG Chemische FabrikGermany3C-A22-DE
LeatherTurato Ricambi 1968 S.R.L.Italy3B-D10
LeatherTurco Deri Kimya San Ve Tic A.S.Turkiye3G-C14-TR
LeatherTurgut Kardesler Deri Ve Ayakkabi San. Tic. Ltd. Sti.Turkiye3G-C07-TR
LeatherTurkiye Sise Ve Cam Fabrikalari A.STurkiye3B-B21
LeatherTuscan Group SrlItaly3F-E06-IT
LeatherTuscania Industria Conciaria SpaItaly3F-E19-IT
LeatherTwin City Hide, Inc.USA3D-A14-USA
LeatherUngricht GmbH + Co. KGGermany3C-A28-DE
LeatherUNIC - Italian TanneriesItaly3F-D01-IT
LeatherUnion Hide CompanyUSA3D-A20-USA
LeatherUnion Leather & Ritti Imp ExpBrazil3C-E27-CICB
LeatherUnion Leathers Srl Società UnipersonaleItaly3D-A21
LeatherUnionpelli SRLItaly3C-E22
LeatherUnique ExportsIndia3E-A11-IN
LeatherUnique Tanning Industries (Pvt) LtdPakistan3E-E16-PK
LeatherUnitan SAICAArgentina3B-B20
LeatherUniversal Leather (Pvt) LtdPakistan3E-F19-PK
LeatherUniversity of NorthamptonUK3F-B04-UK
LeatherUsak Cevahir Deri Tek Kon San Dis Tic LtdTurkiye3G-C04-TR
LeatherUyguner Deri San. ve Tic. A.S.Turkiye3G-B02-TR
Materials+Valle Esina S.p.a.Italy1C-C05
Fashion AccessVast Sky ShoesChina1C-D29
Fashion AccessVietnam Leather, Footwear and Handbag Association (LEFASO)VietnamTBC
Fashion AccessVishal EnterprisesIndia1E-C17-IN
LeatherVolpi Concerie SrlItaly3F-E09-IT
LeatherVölpker Spezialprodukte GmbHGermany3C-B23-DE
LeatherVRS Leathers Pvt LtdIndia3E-B05-IN
Materials+Vu Long Engineering Service-Trading Co LtdVietnam1C-E15.
LeatherWega SrlItalyTBC
LeatherWeinheimer Leder GmbHGermany3C-B24-DE
LeatherWellca Leather Trading Co LtdHong Kong, China3G-A12
LeatherWellour CourosBrazil3C-E19-CICB
Materials+Wenzhou Superchen Nonwoven Technology Co LtdChina1B-D16
LeatherWerner Wilhelm GmbhGermany3C-B26-DE
Materials+Wing Hon Precision Industry LtdHong Kong, China1C-E05
Materials+Wing Sun Metal Products LtdHong Kong, China1C-E06
Materials+Wingtex Textile Development Co LtdChina1B-E29
LeatherWipelli International SrlItaly3G-A14
LeatherWisdom International Machinery Electronic CorpTaiwan, China3B-A15
Fashion AccessWise Luck International LtdHong Kong, China1D-E20
LeatherWollsdorf LeatherAustria3G-B21
Fashion AccessWuhan Sinicline Enterprise Co LtdChina1E-B22
Fashion AccessXiamen Everrise Trading Co LtdChina1D-B05
Fashion AccessXiamen Xiaoyu Brands Co LtdChina1D-B07
LeatherXingye Leather Technology Co LtdChina3E-C19
LeatherXinxiang Liansheng Leather Co LtdChina3D-C27
LeatherYancheng Shibiao Machinery Manufacturing Co LtdChina3B-B33
LeatherYangzhou Young-Pearl Machinery Co LtdChina3B-A30
LeatherYantai Longyi Machinery Co LtdChina3B-A33
LeatherYantai Tannery Co LtdChina3E-C20
LeatherYaoqun Leather (HK) Co LtdHong Kong, China3D-D22
Fashion AccessYi Fan Xi (Guangzhou) Brand Management Co LtdChina1D-A24
LeatherYousaf TanneriesPakistan3E-F01-PK
LeatherYurim Machinery Mfg Co LtdKorea3B-E32-KR
Fashion AccessZambezi GraceSouth Africa (Rep of)1D-C01-SA
LeatherZenith Industrial Chemicals PTE LtdSingapore3B-C26
Fashion AccessZoya International Pvt LtdIndia1E-C16-IN
LeatherZschimmer & SchwarzChina3B-D01

Confirmed Country Pavilions

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We bring leather, material and fashion businesses together: an opportunity to meet and greet face to face. We bring them from all parts of the world so that they can find fresh partners, discover new customers or suppliers and keep ahead of industry developments.

We organise a number of trade exhibitions which focus on fashion and lifestyle: sectors that are constantly in flux, so visitors and exhibitors alike need to be constantly aware both of the changes around them and those forecast for coming seasons.

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