12 August 2024

Automotive Interiors

A notable trend has emerged as the automotive industry shifts towards electric vehicles (EVs): many new electric cars opt for vegan or synthetic interiors, reflecting a misconception these materials are more sustainable. However, Rolls-Royce’s Spectre, the brand’s first all-electric luxury coupe, stands as a testament that it’s possible to blend cutting-edge electric technology with the timeless allure of genuine leather and that traditional luxury and elegance do not need to be compromised.

To find out more about why genuine leather is the best choice for automotive interiors, visit www.one4leather.com to find out more.

About APLF

We bring leather, material and fashion businesses together: an opportunity to meet and greet face to face. We bring them from all parts of the world so that they can find fresh partners, discover new customers or suppliers and keep ahead of industry developments.


We organise a number of trade exhibitions which focus on fashion and lifestyle: sectors that are constantly in flux, so visitors and exhibitors alike need to be constantly aware both of the changes around them and those forecast for coming seasons.


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