13 December 2023

Italy - Assomac has a new General Manager

Assomac General Manager Roberto Vago will end his employment with the association at the end of the year and leave his post to Agostino Apolito, writes ILM.

During the final greetings of the Assomac Annual General Assembly, held on Friday, November 10, in the iconic Sala delle Colonne of the Leonardo da Vinci Museum of Science and Technology in Milan, President Maria Vittoria Brustia thanked Vago, who will end his working relationship with Assomac at the end of the year.

In his place, Agostino Apolito will take over the reins of the association. Agostino Apolito joined Confindustria Firenze in 1996, becoming its Vice President in 2016. In October 2022, he left Confindustria and joined Assomac as Senior Manager.

To read the rest of this article by @ILMEditor, click on ASSOMAC appointment.

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