14 April 2023

APLF ASEAN returns to Bangkok for a second edition in October

 After receiving many enquiries from both exhibitors and visitors as a result of the successful launch of APLF ASEAN in Bangkok last October 2022, the Organisers have taken the decision to hold a second event in Bangkok to satisfy the needs of all participants that wish to return to the heart of ASEAN to do business.


The second edition of APLF ASEAN will take place from 25 -27 October 2023 in Halls 1 and 2 of the ultra-modern Queen Sirikit National Convention Centre (QSNCC) in central Bangkok.

Exhibitors and Sourcing

At last year’s edition of APLF ASEAN, the national pavilions from the world’s leading leather producing countries generated much interest. It was the first time that such a gathering of some of the world’s most important tanneries had been brought together under one roof in this region of Southeast Asia.


At the 2022 event, there were over 200 exhibitors in an exhibition area of 11,000 sqm participating, including six national pavilions from Brazil, France, India, Pakistan, USA, and Vietnam.


It is also worth noting that the importance of the ASEAN bloc in terms of leather making and manufacturing has been propelled forward by the relocation of Chinese companies to its Asian neighbours due to the pandemic. This makes ASEAN an attractive destination for leather exporters since US$2.5 billion worth of all types of leather are imported by this bloc, not far behind the US$3.27 billion imported by China in the same period.


Of the top ten global footwear exporters, three ASEAN nations are in this list. These are Vietnam in second place after China exporting almost 1.3 billion pairs of shoes; Indonesia in third place exporting 427million pairs, and Cambodia in the tenth spot with163 million exported. All figures are from 2021.


The inaugural edition of APLF ASEAN in 2022 attracted over 4,000 buyers. The fair was conceived to serve the sourcing needs of the ASEAN bloc for raw materials and components for the regional manufacturing sectors.


As a result the majority of buyers did come from the countries of the ASEAN bloc as can be seen from the list of top visiting countries which were: Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Cambodia.


In addition, the business nature of the buyers passing through the fair matched the products displayed and consisted of hide traders, tanners, manufacturers of handbags and footwear, brand manufacturers as well as small leather goods and auto interiors. The Organisers will continue to target these critical buyers’ group for the 2023’s edition.

Economic Growth

The ten member countries of ASEAN (Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam) have a population of 660 million inhabitants and generated a total gross domestic product (GDP) of US$3.4 trillion in 2021, making up 3.5% of global GDP, according to bloc figures. This places ASEAN as the third largest economy in Asia after China and Japan and fifth globally.


With a population of more than 277 million inhabitants, Indonesia is the bloc’s biggest economy by far. In 2023, ASEAN’s real GDP growth is forecasted to be 5.2%, according to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in its forecast published in January 2023.


With the necessity of importing raw materials, components, and chemical products to feed its production lines, ASEAN offers multiple export opportunities to western companies seeking to increase their business footprint in the region.

Solid Experience and Links

With over three decades of experience organising leather-focused trade shows in Asia, APLF has forged close links with national leather and footwear associations throughout the region such as the Thai Tanning Industry Association (TTIA) and Vietnamese Leather, Footwear and Handbag Association (LEFASO). APLF will work closely with these two associations and others to ensure that the fair is actively promoted to the members of the ASEAN leather and footwear associations.


“The Thai Tanning Industry Association (TTIA) is delighted to support the second edition of APLF ASEAN. Last year event was a great success in bringing new business opportunities to Thailand’s Leather Industry. With all travel restrictions have been lifted, it is expected that APLF ASEAN in Bangkok will once again be the central meeting point of the ten ASEAN countries.” stated Suwatchai Wongcharoensin, President of Thai Tanning Industry Association.

More than just a trade fair

In line with APLF’s policy of holding complete events of trade fairs integrated with seminars on topical and technical subjects, practical workshops and educational conferences to create an integrated event, APLF ASEAN will once again combine all such elements so that both exhibitors and visitors can participate.


There will also be materials and colour trend areas which are very useful for both designers and manufacturers seeking inspiration for upcoming fashion seasons.


For more information, please email to [email protected].

About APLF

We bring leather, material and fashion businesses together: an opportunity to meet and greet face to face. We bring them from all parts of the world so that they can find fresh partners, discover new customers or suppliers and keep ahead of industry developments.

We organise a number of trade exhibitions which focus on fashion and lifestyle: sectors that are constantly in flux, so visitors and exhibitors alike need to be constantly aware both of the changes around them and those forecast for coming seasons.

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