31 August 2016

Trade Fair and Seminars Integrated to Serve China’s Leather Industry

The 19th edition of ACLE will continue to serve China’s leather industry by being an integral part of it. The combined experience of APLF Ltd with more than 30 years experience organizing such events in Asia and that of the China Leather Industry Association (CLIA) ensures a top-class, professional event customised for leather buyers, designers, manufacturers and professional technicians.


This year’s fair covers 92,000 sqm and occupies eight halls of the New International Export Centre in Pudong. There are 1,167 exhibitors from 35 countries with 19 group pavilions from the world’s most important leather producing countries as well as chemical companies and equipment suppliers with their latest technological developments.


ACLE is positioned upstream in the leather supply chain and is the starting point for the creation of the exquisite material required for footwear and leathergoods for the world’s leading brands and fashion houses.



Importance of ACLE for the Chemical Giants


Since its first edition in 1998 ACLE has become a platform for the launch and demonstration of new products for the leather making process indicating the importance the fair holds both for major chemical manufacturers and the China leather sector.


Dutch company Smit & zoon will present the latest developments in its finishing line as well as celebrating more than 100+ years since it was founded. PielColor, Stahl’s subsidiary in China, will present its new base coat Magic 2800 at the show.


German chemical suppliers Zschimmer & Schwarz and BASF will present new application for retanning and fatliquors and special polymers for top coat finishing respectively.


From neighbouring Switzerland TFL will display products to reduce leather emissions in vehicles and retanning agents to enhance the colour of suede and nubuck.



Many Education and Information Events to Visit


On 30 August, the day before ACLE commences, there was a highly important and informative seminar organised in the context of the Leather Forum that was born out of the LeatherNaturally! campaign.


This was the “Tannery of the Future” co-organised by APLF Ltd and International Leather Maker and which explored how tanneries and their operation might have to be transformed in the coming years to cater for the changes and the demands of the ever evolving fashion industry – which is one of the drivers behind the leather sector itself.


Panellists came from renowned brands and tanneries namely adidas, Lanxess, PrimeAsia, GST AutoLeather and more. The Forum covered topics such as improved sustainability in leather making, changes in the supply chain, X-crust technology for wet-end operations. Successful and educational, it was attended by over 100 leather professionals.


Today a second vital conference will take place organised by APLF Ltd and Hidenet Publications. This conference concerns China and is on a topic which leather professionals will want to know about – “The Status of China’s Leather Industry”.


The latest facts and statistics on the performance of China’s leather sector are available from the representative of the CLIA who will participate in this conference.


The 3rd World Leather Congress is scheduled to be held on 29 August 2017 in Shanghai, the eve of All China Leather Exhibition 2017. The Congress will be organised by the co-hosts – Taiwanese International Leather Association (TILA) and the China Leather Industry Association (CLIA) – with assistance from, and under the broad banner of the International Council of Tanners with APLF as Founding Sponsor.


There will be a Seminar Area in Hall E3 (stand number: E3/C25) where visitors can attend informative seminars and workshops. On 31 August the seminar Leathers for Footwear & Leathergoods: Fitness-for-Purpose Testing will take place and will be presented by Ms Vivien Hsieh, Asian Marketing Consultant of SATRA. On 1 September Sustainability, Ecology, CSR and Good Leather Quality Go Hand-in-Hand is the topic to be presented by Ralph Arbeid, SE Asia sales manager and CSR relations, Hüni AG Process Controls.


The display of leather design fresh from Brazil’s “Preview do Couro” will be on show at the Brazilian Pavilion in Hall E1 during the three days of ACLE. This Leather Preview involves 15 tanneries that present their vision of what leather designs will influence coming fashion seasons. Each company has developed a unique article for the preview with the consultancy of leading Brazilian designers Walter Rodrigues, Ramon Soares and Marnei Carminatti.


Launched successfully last year at ACLE 2015 furniture manufacturer business matching will be available and organised for manufacturers and buyers of upholstery leather present at the fair. This service is available on Day 1 morning of the fair.


Finally, the newly relaunched APLF.com showrooms will be made available for ACLE exhibitors in 2017 providing more comprehensive product coverage for online sourcing after the fair is over on a 24/7, 365 basis.


As an extension of ACLE and its sister event APLF, APLF.com will facilitate the sourcing of products in China, provide information and updates on China’s leather sector as well as being the leading portal for industry video interviews, news, opinion pieces and blog posts.


More information on aplf.com can be obtained at APLF.com counter located in Hall E2 with APLF 2017 pre-registration counter (stand number: E2/B09).

About APLF

We bring leather, material and fashion businesses together: an opportunity to meet and greet face to face. We bring them from all parts of the world so that they can find fresh partners, discover new customers or suppliers and keep ahead of industry developments.

We organise a number of trade exhibitions which focus on fashion and lifestyle: sectors that are constantly in flux, so visitors and exhibitors alike need to be constantly aware both of the changes around them and those forecast for coming seasons.

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